This Juukishi thing is just getting worse.Seems like An Akabeisoft employee pissed about whats happening and started leaking all infos about it.Im quoting a post from 4chan which summaries the 2ch thread;
"- 銃騎士 was released by Effordom despite everyone (including the manager) knowing it was incomplete.
- Akabeisoft (the parent company) went on nico live and stated that Effordom consisted of mostly contractors and the reason the game was incomplete was because the they did not fulfill their side of the contract.
- 三桝 was on the nico live video and he claimed he was the manager. He also apologized for the mess.
- An employee from Akabeisoft is pissed about what's happening and leaks info.
- It turns out the manager for Effordorm was really Looseboy (the writer of G-senjou and Sharin no Kuni) under a pseudonym. 三桝 was covering for him because Looseboy is a popular writer and did not want his name to be tainted.
- The employees of Effordom are mostly all part of Akabei. The thing about contracts not doing their work was a lie.
The leaker also talks about how shitty a company Akabei is to work for. An example he gives is that 3 people got sick and the company just fired them without paying for compensation or anything. Some senior employees have already quit.
And then there's a lot of people posting jokes about how apparently Looseboy has a womanizing problem and how he probably did all this because he needed money to pay for his visits to the キャバクラ."
Well lets see how will this fiasco end.