Visual Novel Cafe

What happened to Mame?

For the ones who dont know, Mame is the main illustrator for Complets VNs. He hasnt had any work lately (according to and i was wondering what happened to him? Why did he leave Complets and what is he doing now?
Cosmic cute's Lovesick Puppies and Gleamgarden no shoujo were pretty great games so I'm definitely looking forward for this. Yeah their 3rd game (Love, Vampire Flowers) was boring and bad but I'm willing to give them one more chance. I'd specially recommend both of those two if you have any free time, Lovesick puppies is a really well made moege from the every perspective and gleamgarden has a pretty nice theme with a great mc.
Thanks for the suggestions, I'll be sure to keep them in mind if I ever run out of games to play. For now my free time is getting drained by Persona 5 but after more than 100 hours I should be nearing the end (though there's probably New Game+ and tons of relationship options left to try out...).

I will try ふれるてラブコネクト. Nephrites first game was honestly very simple (maybe rather bland/boring depending on personal preferance) and sweet, so I obviously enjoyed it, and it had a certain charm to it. I also liked their job on the German phrases for Mitsu.
I dismissed it for the art which is not really to my liking and those exaggerated boobs on three of the four heroines. The story summary also looked like it would involve a love-triangle (or square? pentagon?) with the four childhood friends, but if their previous game didn't risk anything like that it's probably me just overthinking the setting. I'll be keeping an eye on it as well then, thanks.
Apparently they just started to sell it as a super rare a-3 poster;

Actually I was going to buy it if it were some reasonable price, But seriously what the fuck is 40.000 yen (something close to $380) and with the proxy & shipping & tax fees it'd get like $500 or at least somewhere near to that.

well... it's a signed one and very limited. so i guess, this was made to fund baseson. since their income is gone low for the past 5 years.

btw.... it's kinda funny to see people comments on the Uniorythm Quartet A-3. how they said "can't wait for crack to play this great game". i think he mistook on how he can't wait to fap the girls.

i mean, heck... if you counted out the fap materials, uniqua was one of those kusoge. how the story was very lame, not to only the protagonist development but also the background stories. i rly regretted buying it back then.
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well... it's a signed one and very limited. so i guess, this was made to fund baseson. since their income is gone low for the past 5 years.

Sengoku Koihime sold pretty good though, Both of all ages and 18+ versions sold more than 700-800 points at the TG調べ, which makes 1500-1600 at least at total and this is without the ソフマップ etc sales.
Sengoku Koihime sold pretty good though, Both of all ages and 18+ versions sold more than 700-800 points at the TG調べ, which makes 1500-1600 at least at total and this is without the ソフマップ etc sales.

not, if you aligned it with the old koihimes sales.... which sold like crazy for a few years. i presume they wanna to make another breakthrough with it but the result isn't as expected to be. meanwhile baseson has a lot of illustrator and seiyuus to pay.

the pachinko slots are a very good sample how baseson trying raise more funds. since pachinko slot bussiness produce billions of yen per year.
not, if you aligned it with the old koihimes sales.... which sold like crazy for a few years. i presume they wanna to make another breakthrough with it but the result isn't as expected to be. meanwhile baseson has a lot of illustrator and seiyuus to pay.

the pachinko slots are a very good sample how baseson trying raise more funds. since pachinko slot bussiness produce billions of yen per year.

Well the entire eroge industry isn't selling as good as the older years so there's nothing they can do about it. For example this year's best seller is Yuzusoft with 1900 points, in that term sengoku koihime + X is pretty close to it with 1600-1700 points. August also sold only 1800 points even though they're making a game per 2-3 years.

So yeah they definitely couldn't sell as much as koihime, but Sengoku sold more than Appare + Its FD just by itself so its still a pretty big win imo. Actually even Baseson has said that they wasn't expecting that much sales from X at twitter, They gone out of prints at the first week and had to release a trial "after" the game's release date, so people would play first chapters while waiting for their game. Also gotta consider that they lost some of their fans because of the shitty appare series, with sengoku they started to gain trust again which will be huge help at their next big koihime remake.
Sengoku Koihime sold pretty good though, Both of all ages and 18+ versions sold more than 700-800 points at the TG調べ, which makes 1500-1600 at least at total and this is without the ソフマップ etc sales.
Interesting site you got there for sales ranking, I didn't know about it. Thanks.

I haven't had time to browse through much of the results but it seems SMEE did really bad with Kanojo Step which, while understandable considering the bold move with the art, is pretty disappointing. I don't know how much they usually sell so it's hard to compare, but it's lower than a couple nukiges which is sad.
Interesting site you got there for sales ranking, I didn't know about it. Thanks.

I haven't had time to browse through much of the results but it seems SMEE did really bad with Kanojo Step which, while understandable considering the bold move with the art, is pretty disappointing. I don't know how much they usually sell so it's hard to compare, but it's lower than a couple nukiges which is sad.

I'm glad that you liked, but dont take it very seriously since TG調べ isn't very accurate and cant take informations from some sale sources. Well it should be okay for getting some ideas about the sales though.
So, has anyone played into 空のつくりかた so far? I haven't actually tried it yet due to a trip down the nostalgia lane (damn you psx jrpgs!). Just skimmed through the CGs. The h-cgs with Noah caused a bit of mixed feelings. I'm not opposed to lolicon characters or pairings (Prim's route in Shuffle! counts as a personal favorite in that VN for example), but somehow with a non-teenager MC it felt a bit borderline-ish. And I'm aware that Gleamgarden was similar in the true route with its h-scene. Maybe I'm just becoming more "sensitive", the more I play (or the older I become) ;)
So, has anyone played into 空のつくりかた so far? I haven't actually tried it yet due to a trip down the nostalgia lane (damn you psx jrpgs!). Just skimmed through the CGs. The h-cgs with Noah caused a bit of mixed feelings. I'm not opposed to lolicon characters or pairings (Prim's route in Shuffle! counts as a personal favorite in that VN for example), but somehow with a non-teenager MC it felt a bit borderline-ish. And I'm aware that Gleamgarden was similar in the true route with its h-scene. Maybe I'm just becoming more "sensitive", the more I play (or the older I become) ;)

I'm playing and its pretty great imo. All the heroines are very charming, Art & Ost & Voice acting is good, have a great humor / great mc and doesn't bore at all since the city they're living in is very active and there's always some happening in it. There are many side characters which have big roles in it as well, like 10 or something. I didnt see a single bad point of the game except the early very short meaningless h-scene, but well it was only 3-5 minutes long so I can ignore that much.

About the Noah; She is not really a loli character, more like she cant grown up because she is created by magic.
So, has anyone played into 空のつくりかた so far?
I've started it a few days ago, after the excellent surprise that was Re:LieF ~親愛なるあなたへ~(I'll write some words about it once I've fully digested it) and some quick trips down nostalgia lane on my own with フレラバ HD Renewal Edition (Yuzuyu...) and アマカノ~PerfectEdition~ (Koharu...).

I'm not too far into the game (beginning of chapter 4) and haven't started on the character routes yet. At the end of chapter 2 and onward it seems you get a choice to diverge towards one character's route directly while skipping part of the common route. It's not my favorite kind of structure, kind of like those games that force you to reject each heroine one after the other until you can get to the one you want, but the "rejections" in this case are extremely tame.

The story is mostly funny and light, but can take some more serious tones and the city the characters live in is anything but peaceful : mafia, torture, drugs and such, it's mostly treated humorously but it is what it is. The MC is alright, as an adult protagonist he's a nice change of pace from the usual teenagers, and is also not a pervert. If anything, his attitude towards all the characters but Yurika make it difficult to believe he would fall for what he keeps calling "kids", but who knows what happens in character routes... There's a quick H-scene at the beginning of the game but nothing else of note afterwards so don't let that scare you if you, like me, don't really like H-scene outside of character routes.

Heroines are charming, with a personal preference for Haru so far which means I'll have to reject everyone to get to her route. I really like her art, especially when she's on the side with her full magical apparel on. Hatori Ichi makes a great job voicing her, perfect as a lively, idealist magician (in training) prone to goof up. I like Yurika's teasing of the MC, and Noah's is interesting because of her particular situation (she's a doll given life through magic). I'm not too much a fan of the hard working Kazuha and her over-dedication to her family but I don't hate her either. Side characters are pretty interesting as well, though some I can't say I enjoy showing up (the men for the most part).

I'll write more once I get further in.

EDIT : common route and Yurika + Noah routes finished. The common route was pretty nice as it sets up the relationship between the MC and Haru more than the character routes do for the two I played, and explains some of the characters' past as well. I'd recommend reading it completely before heading to the character routes. For Yurika and Noah, the romance in their routes develops very (too?) fast, then it's short bakappuru and ecchi scenes one after the other, before a final climax resolving the character's main issue. It's entertaining but it's not very moving so far.
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I finished 空のつくりかた last night, and my conclusions remain much the same as what I've said about it previously : it's funny, even if the underlying universe and events if taken seriously really shouldn't be. After reading both Haru and Kazuha's route, it really feels like Haru got a special treatment as the common route is leading to her and the MC getting together rather than the other three. Since the character routes' length is the same either way, it's no wonder that the romantic development for everyone but Haru feels rushed, especially as the ecchi scenes are packed together before the main issue gets a resolution. All the romantic development, ecchi scenes+bakkapuru, and finally resolution all happen in the length of a single chapter, hence it's no surprise that all of these feel rushed to some extent, and the resolutions especially lack impact and suffer from a little too much convenient happenings (thanks Riizaru...), not to mention that some of them contradict each other (Noa and Haru). Anyway, the game manages to remain funny all the way to the end, the art was very nice and the cheerful music a good mix for the mood of the game, so I think the game's worth a shot.

I've briefly given a try to ふれるてラブコネクト, but I'm pretty sure I'm going to drop it soon. It's a shame since the CV cast looked impressive, with 小倉結衣, ヒマリ and あさの澪 whose voice sounds a LOT like 橘まお... But yeah, the character sprites art really doesn't work with me, and the backgrounds also seem pretty rough and empty. It's a shame since the CGs are not all that bad actually, I wish they would have put more effort into what players see the rest of the time. Story is for the most part rather weak, at the very least there's not much noteworthy happening during Momo's route. I thought there would be some reason for the four girls to distance each other, but apparently nothing in particular happened after the MC left. After the typical misunderstanding is cleared between Momo and the MC, it's sex, sex, sex, and making up with the other friends, then end credits. The common route is short and the few choices are sometimes pretty vague, so don't be surprised if you, like me, get thrown into a route without actually aiming for it...

As promised before, a few words about Re:LieF~親愛なるあなたへ~. I don't want to spoil the game too much so I'll try to remain vague, but I found the game touching in the theme it approaches. The island of Mikumo is basically the host for some sort of rehabilitation program aimed at people who failed to keep up with society's current pace and need a year to think back on what they want to with their lives, as well as heal the scars they may have accumulated over their previous failures. Hinako's story, which takes most of the prologue, is worth playing on its own and that last high-five scene was really bringing tears to my eyes.

Tsukusa's story takes over after that, and the island's mysterious atmosphere keeps deepening, especially as he starts a relationship with one of the three heroines. The romance is unfortunately pretty rushed, as the routes are more focused on representing each character's particular way of dealing with living in today's society. I especially liked Momo's ending which really illustrated well how I imagine life with a genius would actually be like. These three routes are pretty short and all end abruptly while revealing a little about the island's secret, which isn't that hard to guess, especially with Momo's route hints. Ai's route unlocks after all three are cleared to get to the heart of the matter : Tsukasa's very own trauma. I'm not going to spoil any more but it's pretty interesting as well and obviously ties in with the island mystery directly.

There's not much ecchi so I wouldn't go in expecting lots in that department : one scene per heroine, with a second one unlocked in the extra menu after clearing each heroine's route, but said second scene often directly contradicts the events of the game... The art style is pretty characteristic but I happened to like it, and the calm music I found was a perfect fit. If only the romance was a little more developed, this game would have easily made it to my top list for this year, and I'll be sure to keep an eye on what Rask does in the future.

That's pretty much it for October releases for me, so I'm probably going to go back to replaying Amakano and Fureraba. Speaking of Azarashi Soft, looks like Amakano+ wasn't all they had planned and they have another project in the works which release dates seems very close : Aikagi due for January of next year. Info is pretty scarce for a game due in two months or so, but the official site should open this month.
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I finished 空のつくりかた last night, and my conclusions remain much the same as what I've said about it previously : it's funny, even if the underlying universe and events if taken seriously really shouldn't be. After reading both Haru and Kazuha's route, it really feels like Haru got a special treatment as the common route is leading to her and the MC getting together rather than the other three. Since the character routes' length is the same either way, it's no wonder that the romantic development for everyone but Haru feels rushed, especially as the ecchi scenes are packed together before the main issue gets a resolution. All the romantic development, ecchi scenes+bakkapuru, and finally resolution all happen in the length of a single chapter, hence it's no surprise that all of these feel rushed to some extent, and the resolutions especially lack impact and suffer from a little too much convenient happenings (thanks Riizaru...), not to mention that some of them contradict each other (Noa and Haru). Anyway, the game manages to remain funny all the way to the end, the art was very nice and the cheerful music a good mix for the mood of the game, so I think the game's worth a shot.

Yep, pretty much I agree with you. I didnt read the Haru's route yet, but other routes feels really rushed, or more like they are the classic one h-scene after the another type routes. Such a shame imo, since all heroines were pretty unique and charming; Specially Yurika or Noa type heroines are pretty rare in the eroge industry.

Speaking of Yurika, I definitely didn't like how they started the relationship at all. I guess writer wanted to something different since both of characters are already an adult, but "hey we already did some sexual things before, lets do real thing now" "Okay" > then they have sex > "Oh I guess we are lovers now huh" felt really light and sloppy. Nothing happened after that either, they had a couple more sex with really short ichaicha scenes between them, drama and ending. Well I still enjoyed what was there, specially thanks to Yurika herself and Ozinua, but after that great common route I was expecting a little more high quality heroine routes to be honest.

In the end it was a very enjoyable ride for me though it could be better than this, I'll finish the remaining two routes as soon as I can find some time.

Btw Aikagi is going to be a low priced game, not full one. The art seems nice but I'm not sure if I'd bother with it.
Btw Aikagi is going to be a low priced game, not full one. The art seems nice but I'm not sure if I'd bother with it.
The official site opened and it seems you're right, it's a single-heroine game so it's probably going to be low-price. As far as I'm concerned even a single route game with Amakano's quality would certainly make me interested but the writer isn't the same for this game so I don't know. The setting looks a bit too forced to me : the MC and his childhood friend end up living together even though he planned to live alone, and the heroine apparently is madly in love with him from the start. I can forgive the first point, but the second kinda lowers my interest, it's like skipping half of the love story from the get-go...

I've had a bit more free time (yes, even more than usual, thanks November and its holidays) and so spent a few more hours on ふれるてラブコネクト. Reiko's route started in a fairly typical way but halfway through turned out pretty weird, with the other three girls all happening to peek on the MC and Reiko having sex in a variety of situations. It ends with the both of them having sex openly in front of them, that was... yeah. Other than that, Reiko's got a subplot in which she looks for something to do in the future. Tsukasa's route was actually a little better than the other two, if only because there's a actually some reason as to why she and the others started not getting along after the MC left for South America. Tsukasa is at some point in danger of moving away, but the situation is solved pretty quickly and easily, thanks to some help from the gang of girls and some (too?) understanding parents. Finally, as for Manami's story, I can't seem to remember what happened apart from the girls making up and her and the MC having sex, something about her having to move away but nothing very marking at the very least.

Even though I can't say I absolutely hated anything about the game, the general low quality feel and the rather uninteresting stories mean I can't recommend the game for anyone.

Going back through my backlog, last week I spend a good amount of time on 千の刃濤、桃花染の皇姫. Being my first August title, I had no particular expectations apart from Kri's earlier comments about the game. I did notice that the game scored pretty high on both VNDB and EGS, but then again that doesn't mean much to me either. I ended up finishing the main story of the game, as well as all the heroines branching routes, but I still have most of the side-stories to go through. Still, with 3 ecchi scenes per character still locked and only 4 side-stories to go through for each heroine, I can sorta guess around what these stories will gravitate around...

The main story of the game is actually pretty well done, even though the amnesia trope is never a favorite of mine to introduce a main character. His secret is fairly obvious and the game itself doesn't have too many surprise, if anything I was expecting a few more betrayals or plot twists that never came. I'll just hand it off to the writers for making good red herrings for once. As Kri said previously, the main story is focused very largely on Soujin (the MC) and Akari (the imperial princess), to the detriment of the other heroines. Not that their role is small or anything, but during the main course of the game it's pretty much set that Soujin and Akari will end up together and "branching-off" to one of the side heroines feels very much like a betrayal towards Akari, especially as the game continue on and their relationship grows closer. Akari herself is very understanding during all these routes though, so maybe it's just me feeling that way.

The structure of the game reminds me of 空のつくりかた, in that at the end of each main chapter, Soujin can "betray" Akari and end up in relationship with one of the other heroines as the result, forgoing the rest of the main story and branching-off to a short side chapter in which every problem gets resolved off screen (or not at all, in Hotori's case...). Thanks to Kri's comment I had not much expectations for the sub-heroines, and I actually enjoyed some of these little branches, though I have to say I only played them after completing Akari's route. I was especially glad to see Kanami stand up to Eruza, something that I wished she had done more during the main plot. Kotone's proactive attitude was also pretty funny. Eruza I wasn't fond of during the whole game and her route didn't change my opinion much, and Hotori's story could have been nice if it didn't just leave everything hanging in the air. Romance wise, they either start or quickly fall in love with Soujin after a quick hug, not much to see on that front, alas.

Back to the main plot then with Akari. It was certainly pretty nice and never boring to read, but I can't say I was moved to tears by it either. I can tell a lot of efforts went into the universe and the characters, but lately, as the scale of things get larger and larger I tend to lose my connection to the characters and just read on. For that reason, I'm not too annoyed that basically everything gets solved by some literal Deus Ex Machina, and that the happy ending is forced and cheapens both Akari and Soujin's resolve. But it certainly didn't help. There are interesting ideas thrown around, especially around everything surrounding 呪術, but I think something more could have been done with it, and there are still gaps in the explanations (mostly about Soujin himself). Still, the action moves around a lot, there's lots of beautiful particle effects and if you like stories about katana-wielding people fighting assault-rifle troops, military tanks and helicopters (and winning...), you'd be in for a treat on that front. I personally am not too fond of battles in visual-novel form but they were nice nonetheless.

There's quite a bit of political intrigue and a lot self-reflection by the various characters through the (over)abundant use of perspective change throughout the whole game. While it's nice to know the whole picture at any point, I tend to prefer only seeing things as the protagonist and be kept guessing as to the motivations of the other characters. I wouldn't be surprised if a third or more of the game is spent looking through someone other than Soujin's eyes, and even though not everything is revealed up front it certainly didn't help keep me on the edge of my seat (couch actually) while reading the story unfold.

I'll finish by saying the art was pretty good, with a lot of effort going into making the characters blend with the backgrounds, making me sometime wonder if I wasn't looking at actual CGs. I'm a bit disappointed that the ecchi CGs tend to skip the drawing of Soujin's body and rely on a transparent body or arm-length dick coming from off-screen, but I wasn't expecting much in the ecchi department anyway. Music was pretty nice though not to the point I'd look for an OST. All in all, a good game and I'll be sure to keep an eye on August, if they ever make something more up my alley.

Since this post isn't long enough already, let's throw in some of next month's releases as well. Here's what I'll be watching out for:

夏彩恋唄 : I kinda liked Studio Ryokucha's previous game はにかみ CLOVER, and this one doesn't look like it has any succubi in it, which is a definite plus. I'm not too fond of the fake lovers approach but why not. Finally : Akino Hana.

学校のセイイキ : I played both 彼女のセイイキ and 妹のセイイキ, and with Maika and Yaeka starring in this latest feng release, taken together it's getting close to approaching a full game's offering. I'll bet more are coming with at least 店員-ちゃん as a heroine. Story-wise it's not spectacular but I like the two previous ones, good enough and far above your average nukige.

枯れない世界と終わる花 : SWEET&TEA's first game, with a rather interesting premise that can go either nakige or comedy. With both Akino Hana and Kiritani Hana as CVs in the game, I'm in for a try either way.

スキとスキとでサンカク恋愛 : Asa Project's latest. I'll be blunt and say I'm not at all a fan of love-triangles and I hated the humor in Asa Project's previous プラマイウォーズ, but eh, why not...

Phew, that's about it.
Could someone please be so kind to translate me this route options from this game? Im using VN translator but it doesnt hook the text from the decisions.Thanks!
Screenshot (20).pngScreenshot (25).pngScreenshot (23).pngScreenshot (21).pngScreenshot (24).pngScreenshot (22).png
Not really the right place to ask for translation (you may get a faster and more accurate reply in this subsection), but here goes :

screenshot (20) : hmm, next class is : A) I think it's music / B) I think it's PE
screenshot (25) : hmm, next it : A) I think we have class in the classroom / B) I think it's lunch break
screenshot (23) : hmm, next is : A) I think we have class in the classroom / B) I think it's music
screenshot (21) : well then, what should I do? : A) Let's just sleep / B) Let's go to the toilet
screenshot (24) : hmm, next is : A) I think we have class in the classroom / B) I think it's music
screenshot (22) : ...then : A) Watch TV / B) Relax / C) Do homework / D) Return to my room
joseczs: Might be easier for you to just look up a walkthough online. Those are in plain text so you will have more success translating those through some kind of machine translator.
long time not post in here but i've got nothing to post lol, well that's bullshit so here goes:

finally finished Kanojo * Step, just usual Smee storyboard which is nice actually since in few months there's lack of "normal" story in my target list, Kuon probably the most attractive heroine for this series, your kouhai, mature at outside but childish inside, play with your hearts but at the same time truly love you with all of her, that's it that's what you want for your lifetime partner. As other heroine to be honest a bit pale in comparison except Shiina imo which can throw quite a lot tsukkomi and it's always nice to see her reaction. For secret heroine, in some parts she is annoying but still lovable, especially when her personality grow to be more confident which showed at her ending

Next August new title which..... disappoint me since other heroines became side route which is unfair for them, sure it's convenient for main story but not like this and there's a bit contradiction in some dialogue *if i don't misunderstand something* example: When Akari told Soujin to keep eyes and help Hotori but for main route you choose to follow Akari, that's....... seriously...... why do this choice as branch checkpoint. God better to keep it small since there's too many to write if i want to write my disappointment(

Good day guys, almost November release and still a bit more time for Nekopara part 3, Hype for Sayori arts.
I didn't try August's latest as the setting didn't seem to be that appealing to me and I suck horribly with old-style japanese dialogues *lol* (真・恋姫†無双~乙女繚乱☆三国志演義~ was hell-ish in that regard).

As for this month's release? Honestly, nothing looks really compelling. That's not saying much due to my rather small-ish comfort zone with VNs. But knowing me, I'll surely check out at least the recollection mode of some VNs :whistle:
joseczs: Might be easier for you to just look up a walkthough online. Those are in plain text so you will have more success translating those through some kind of machine translator.

Thanks! The problem is that i couldn´t find the walkthrough of that VN ( and its not even translated, i would ahveto search in japanese, and i dont know how :P
Long time no see FL-God and Cubky, glad you're both still around.

I 100% agree with you on Kanojo * Step, Kuon is really adorable. As for Sen no Hatou, I kinda agree with you also but then again the game would be humongous if all heroines had as much content as Akari. The main route could have been mirrored with another partner in mind, but Soujin and Akari need to be together otherwise the series of events with Himenomikoto and Mitsurugi in the later stages can't really happen anymore and the story falls apart.

As for the way the choices are handled, Hotori's case is the only one in which Soujin is going "against" Akari's will. Do keep in mind that going with Hotori means letting Akari go alone, something Soujin cannot do. Choosing Hotori enforces the trio stay together and thus miss on some important plot development for the future. The other choices are more about Soujin's feelings than Akari's orders, to the exception of Eruza in which he really abandons his duty if he goes after her...

I would love to hear your opinion on the game in more details if you have the time.

I didn't try August's latest as the setting didn't seem to be that appealing to me and I suck horribly with old-style japanese dialogues *lol* (真・恋姫†無双~乙女繚乱☆三国志演義~ was hell-ish in that regard).
August's latest is not that bad as far as old-speak goes. I'm also pretty bad at it and if you look past the overly polite verb forms it's actually fairly standard modern Japanese used most of the time. The Republic also uses English (in katakana) instead of some obscure language. Nothing to do about the setting though, it is about rebellion and battle with a love story between Soujin and Akari in the background, the latter gaining importance as the scenario develops.

Thanks! The problem is that i couldn´t find the walkthrough of that VN ( and its not even translated, i would ahveto search in japanese, and i dont know how :P
If you ever need to find a walkthrough but can't type Japanese, just copy paste the Japanese title from the VNDB page (in your case : "まってぃ") and add "攻略" (kouryaku : walkthrough) in a Google search and you should find it pretty easily (i.e. search for "まってぃ 攻略"). The second result for this search lead me to this page which contains a fairly detailed walkthrough for the game you were asking about.
Alive and kicking. Though not as much time on my hands to read now.

Also tried out August’s newest title, currently in Akari's route after going finishing Elsa first, which was a major disappointement - was looking forward to some romance and character development but it ended rather suddenly. Is that the same for the other heroines? Sans Akari, since she seems to have lot of plot going on from what I can see.

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Sorry for interrupt, but can you please update this game? Thanks in advance.✨shine✨-240928-すにぃる-abyssal-corruption-rj01234893.1552783/
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Jelly-filled Donut wrote on Shine's profile.
Shine, do you have the update for this? It has additional content and bug fixes. Please and thanks.
まものす to v24.08.25 (Ver1.20)