Then according to the theory of evolution we wouldnt exist and if we did there would be much less life (unless no oceans means that all that water is spread around in the form of lakes and rivers)
What if half the water sources in the world dried up?
Ummm...a ship would come out of it and fire missiles and junk then a Huuuge screen would come on in the sky and an Alien would appear and say "Attention, people of Earth. I regret to inform you that in order to make way for the new hyperspace express route, your planet has been scheduled for demolition. Have a nice day."
(A bowl of home made ramen goes to the person who knows where this line comes from.)
What if: Aliens did come out of the worm hole by our planet and wanted to blow it up?
I would get abducted by an alien friend i randomly had and somehow get on the spaceship of the president of the universe who is currently being chased for kidnapping himself and find a random girl that i knew and a depressed robot.
Well... there are stuff i would like to know but i dont feel telepathy is the right choice for that and as for other people i wouldnt really want them to know certain things... i guess if there was telepathy ppl would also hav mind barriers or some blocking technology cuz ppl like secrets or humanity would just be one like minded cluster of people. The effects of telepathy could be quite large...
Yes, I agree with Samyeung46. The line "Resistance is futile, prepare to be assimilated." Whoever shall giveth the name of the media from whence this line cameth from shall draw the golden boat of Dumplings. :)
If people could tele-port, I'd line my whole house with aluminum and lead. I wouldn't want someone accidentally warping into my room or the kitchen when I'm going over my secret sauce recipes.
Im not too sure what Gantz is but if there was a .hack world i would love to play (or at least till ppl start falling unconscious which would be when i stop for a while and continue after the people wake). If u meant that .hack was the world i would probably go find the hero who would usually have gotten famous for something mischievous by the time problems start. I would otherwise spend the whole time training in preparation for the next problem since strong characters seem to have a chance of actually fighting back.
What if your teacher/boss gave you an impossible assignment? Would you attempt it?
If they were the undead then they wouldnt get tired which is quite an unfair advantage if i joined. If they came back to life then the world would suddenly hav more people to feed and that tag game is going to be international (would be nice to hav more than one person it). XD