KanColle Headquarter!

I mean, do you want to browse through 2013~2014 threads on the matter? I can link you to plenty if you can read Japanese, the topic has pretty much been completely settled for the past year or so. There are also countless nico vids on the matter from methods that range from simple data collection to packet inspection for information. If you want to bring it up for things like LSC recipes or acc then I might agree that there aren't enough materials out there to say with certainty, but basic damage formula like what's being argued over here have implications that you can easily observe as a player.

Damage formula? Don't you remember the ASW formula fiasco or the fact that nobody knows how dodging really works? Nothing is certain in this game, you learn that the hard way
Damage formula? Don't you remember the ASW formula fiasco or the fact that nobody knows how dodging really works? Nothing is certain in this game, you learn that the hard way
ASW? Unless that is an English player only thing, the information from JP wiki and threads have been consistent since 2013. About the only thing that is still left hanging is the idea of complementary equipments for asw purposes. Dodge (acc, as I already mentioned) is indeed still uncertain because of how masked it is.

As I said already, next event, pay more attention to orientation since it is the easiest one for you to see a difference for. There are definitely things in this game that still need a good amount of testing, but damage formula is pretty much beyond doubt at this point.
After all that, relax and have some tea.
Been awhile since I stumble into this. Found an English sub version.. finally.
[MENTION=26]KingArturia[/MENTION]; I got a feeling this is what you're doing every non-event KC days for Yamato. Also me before I graduate.:D
xD The video of my life xD However I must admit Yahagi herself baited a twin sister xD I guess I wonder when she'll bait out Yamato for me :/

OT: I'm terribly confused as to what I'm doing for Shinken event >_<
[MENTION=29996]ecael[/MENTION]; Thank. I always have the feeling that Yamato class are over power even with soft cap 150 but i didn't know why. Read your post and compare to english wiki, i know why. The last time i read about the soft cap i didn't think about medium/heavy damage and orientation.
The important thing is Head-on Engagement ( 80% modifier ) with trigger about 40% for all battles with Saiun. That's why sometime ( or many times ) i saw my girls can't do one hit kill or leave the enemies few HP left. And sadly, it affected the overall battle.

Btw i want to ask if you have information about equipment buff for accuracy and evasion. I always know the more the better. But for example:
- Evasion: 10 for Enhanced Steam Boiler, but there are also 2 ( reppu 601, skilled type21 )
- Accuracy: 10 like radar, 1~2 for gun/AP shell....etc
The question is how much i need to buff those things to have efficiency? Of course sacrifice a slot for +10 is good but i can't use most time though. :)

EDIT: Finish the marriage quest ^^
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Acc/dodge is still pretty much uncharted territory at the moment, only thing that seems to be certain is that devs are trying to make us to make a conscious decision to choose between firepower and acc with fit equips and all.

The easiest way to do it at the moment, honestly, is to go with your gut feelings on what you need to stack more after watching some battles and then choose based on situation. In the end though, what you can do here is severely limited to what equipments you have available to you.

Dodge is probably almost worthless unless we want to sac a slot entirely on it and maybe not even then. But other than scenarios that assumes that you need to dodge tank things (3-5 south), you are always better served by killing your enemy first. So not much decision to make there. Until we have some way of specifying ships that will get targeted, the random nature of the game makes it unviable to try to go for defensive stats like that anyway.
General rule of thumb for BBs and accuracy would be not to overload FBBs (this means no double 41/46. I think you can use 1 41/46 with a 35.6cm or 38cm) and to get your best SURFACE radar. Radar is usually a good choice since it provides a lot of LoS for branching and allows Double Attack instead of Cut-in (Double Attack 120%x2 Cut-in 150%x1).
Radars: Have them, use them, love them.
Eh, if you want to be lazy and not actually think then just use 2 fit guns everywhere with one plane one radar. You won't ever go too wrong with that, you just won't be particularly right either. Firepower issues? Well you have screws, upgrade those guns then.

Of course, if people want to abandon thinking, they might as well just keep a few Japanese sites that provides walkthrough information and copy setups that they have.

What's a good way to level subs?
Seems to be a new version.
That spam feed takoyaki to Yamato is hilarious. Also, the USS Albacore (she took out Taihou) ;) cute. Is she from the China Kancolle, the mobile one?

Nagato fans should watch until the end. :(
I would like a source on that scene too.

[MENTION=67840]pichu655889[/MENTION]; Orel and use them as tanks for 3-2 / 5-4 leveling. Also PVP.
My Shioi is my last sub to join but is now my highest leveled sub at 91. All she does is Orel and 3-2 / 5-4 tanking.
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That spam feed takoyaki to Yamato is hilarious.

Well its pretty much the only way to sink a Yamato safely without suffering too much casualty. There's a few scene I didn't like, one of which was the Yamashiro one wasn't feel enough, because if I remember correctly Yamashiro sacrifice herself so that Shigure can escape, which is probably why Shigure Kai Ni art contain part of Yamashiro's head dress. Secondly, the final battle, Operation Ten-Go was done with the escort of Iowa class battleships, however none was shown in the video.

Source wise, there you go. It was at the end of the video you know XD

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Reactions: FireShark
Source wise, there you go. It was at the end of the video you know XD


Thanks, so it's all about them survivors / high luck ships. :D Feels like someone is missing. :yawn: Probably a very old vid.

She (Shoukaku) needs to stop revisiting the past. Between them (-kakus), I'd say about 8/10 times it's Shoukaku who gets reds.

[MENTION=33830]moemoe-kyun[/MENTION]; Did this ever happen to your waifu when she's with Zuikaku? :P
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She (Shoukaku) needs to stop revisiting the past. Between them (-kakus), I'd say about 8/10 times it's Shoukaku who gets reds.

Other way round for me, Shoukaku don't normally get hit and Zuikaku just get focused down xD
Also, the USS Albacore (she took out Taihou) ;) cute. Is she from the China Kancolle, the mobile one?
idk if China ver runs it on mobile, I mean they have like at least 2 ripoffs over there and one more in Taiwan, but iirc one of them did have albacore added in relatively recently.
Is there a reason my small ships always target big ships, and my big ships always targeting the smallest ships in the enemy fleet?
It's getting really frustrating.
@ecael Thank. I agree with you that killing enemies is coming 1st. Hmm... so 4 evasion buff ( 2 from Mutsuki & Kisaragi + 2 from Amatsukaze ) is enough. Rarely to use its thought.

@Menemy my style for BB/FBB/BBV is using AP shell rather than radar. If i remember correctly cutin 150% is only for AP. Radar only buff % DA. But % DA with radar is still lower than CI 150% with AS only. If about LoS then recon plane is more efficiency. I use radar for CA because they can't equip AP.

@FireShark pfff i place my waifu with Zuikaku in the same team before ( pvp farming Zui before the event and E-4 event ) but it seem Zui is always the one who has heavy damage. Rarely Shou since she dodge most attack ^^. Btw i think it depends on each Teitoku. For example when ever i have Hiryuu and Soryuu in the same team, Hiryuu will be heavy damage :D.

@pichu just place them in 2-3 to do daily quest and you will see they level up fast. Anyway there is a map for SS farming but sacrifice your % win/lose.
Unless you run some super exotic equip setups on bbs you might as well as assume that cutins are all 150%, it takes some real random shit to get the other variants.

Honestly radars are less for the los buff on artillery spotting triggering than for the acc, particularly since double hit doesn't have the acc buff that cutin has. 2main+apen has the benefit of triggering for both double hit or cutin, thus raising the overall chance. That said, the possibility of cutins makes it a hassle to work with, more tailored to situations where there are high armor targets that needs disabling. I guess for 5-4 spamming with BBs and no chuuha repair it'd be pretty ideal, but otherwise I don't really use it outside of event time.
Eh, if you want to be lazy and not actually think then just use 2 fit guns everywhere with one plane one radar. You won't ever go too wrong with that, you just won't be particularly right either. Firepower issues? Well you have screws, upgrade those guns then.

Of course, if people want to abandon thinking, they might as well just keep a few Japanese sites that provides walkthrough information and copy setups that they have.
It's indeed quite an effective way if you are lazy. Sadly i can't upgrade guns till i get Akashi

Being Double Attack far more useful than CI i would always go with radar. I only use AP for very high armor enemies that need to be disabled. Double Attack just deals far more damage and the accuracy is actually quite noticeable with radars, my BBs have shit-tier accuracy with AP.

PD: Remember in events that BBs do have shit tier accuracy with combined fleet for some reason, don't ask me why but they do
Combined fleet scenarios have reduced acc all around for shelling, pretty much been known since ALMI.

Cutins are highly useful actually, probably the best way to deal with acc issues with low level fleets and to a certain extent combined fleet. Just that with just a bit of levels you quickly climb into a realm where radar's acc compensation will be felt. After that you won't really feel the usefulness of 2main+apen's double artillery spotting proc without niche scenarios such as chuuha sorties.

I guess in the end, unless you know what you are aiming for with specific equipment setups, might as well as stick to the general 2gun1plane1radar plan. Only place where I'd run more particular setups would be for 5-4 senka runs and 5-5 if we don't include 321grind fleet setups.
..waiting for Summer event. :rolleyes:





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I don't have problem with the AP shell setup. It works great with me ( both damage and accuracy ), even my low level BB can do 1 hit kill component high level BB in pvp.

@fire LOL see it again here especially "Lady" :D.
My problem in E6 is the cursed 6th slot. The other clear all and leave boss under 100 HP. 6th ruined all no matter who. Well but it didn't happen the day after and in Roma farming time. :)

I clear a lots quests this week ^^. Also clear world 4, now processing to world 5.
Patches. Saving you guys a trip to the messy wiki. :D Not like my post is any cleaner.

At level 70
Costs 190 Ammunition and 190 Steel
No blueprint required

That max mod stats are awesome. 60FP 90Torp



New updates to Akashi's Improvement Arsenal
15.2cm Twin Gun Mount Kai can be acquired via Akashi's Improvement Arsenal by upgrading 15.2cm Twin Gun Mount

New CGs
Akatsuki lady failed. Shouhou is the lady here.





New equipment (seachlight)
Equippable on battleships
More effective than normal searchlight

The fairies are Yamato, Hiei and Kirishima. < Yamato K2 inbound soon? I hope. :P

New quests

Upgrades to UI
- Filters have been added to the equipment list, to sort equipment
- The equipment can also be sorted according to level, the categories are:

0.Conventional display
2.Carrier-based bomber planes
3.Seaplanes and other aircraft
4.Main guns
5.Secondary guns and AA guns (guns other than main guns)
6.Torpedos (including submarine-launched ones)
7.ASW equipment
8.Other equipment
9.Sort by level (highest to lowest)
10.Sort by level (lowest to highest)

- The effect animation for the searchlights have been tweaked
- The way the support ships appear when using Akashi's Improvment Arsenal has been changed
- The album (Kanmusudex) has been enlarged to log more shipgirls

;) She will be my permanent 3-5 raid member now. Her LoS is pretty good.
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