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  • Oh, now I see why you send me the link. So basically you have to choose one of those 3 boards? Well, it kinda resembles our high school system. Like I mentioned, in high school we must choose one of 4 profiles, we have: social studies based more on things like geography, history etc and from 10th grade, the ones who are in this profile, don't study math anymore; philology profile, like the name said it's based on language skills, and also like social studies, the math or the other math oriented subjects are abandoned at some point; mathematics just very much math oriented, but the other language oriented subjects (like english, literature) aren't abandoned, those subject continue to be studied but in a fewer hours per week; and finally, the profile choosed by me: nature science, don't be fooled by name, it's basically the same as math profile only less hardcore since it has less math xD it's practically the most equilibrated profile in my opinion, like a "Jack of all Trades"
    My personal opinion about this....I think this kind of system is ok as it let choose whatever you feel like doing or whatever you think it's better for your future career since some profiles/boards are more focused on something than the others. Sure, it can be confusing since there are so many options and you must think "did I make the right call?", but it's ok if you really know what you really want. Like, if someone wants to be a teacher then he/she would go to the language oriented profile, if someone wants to be an engineer then it would choose the math oriented one. If not, one can go with the safe options, like i did ^^

    *final of part 1, the text was initially to long so I divided in two parts xDD*
    Wow, so many numbers :-O Ok...*reading the almighty Wikipedia* If I got it right, the education system in India is divided different than my country's. We make 4 years in elementary school, from the 5th grade until 9th grade is middle school and from 9th to 12th is high school (the great high school years xD) After that, there are universities, most of them have 3 years, only the engineering uni is 4 years and medicine with 6 years (that's a lot!) So I suppose...overall is the same ^^ Most of our schools if not all, are...hmm...(finding the right English terms) gouvernment linked, so you won't find many private schools here. Also, the rate of home-schooled kids is zero, it's basically illegal to do that here xD. So...on that aspect I think your educational system is more...flexible than ours ^^
    If you have any questions about my country regarding whatever topic, ask me freely xDD for now, all it's in my head are the vampires. Now I wonder what otome games have vampires in them xDDD
    Ooo, man, that's a lot :-O How do you survive? xD In high school, I had morning classes/afternoon classes. The morning ones started from 7/8 AM to 1 pm. The afternoon classes started from 1 pm to 7 pm. I hope you did fine on your test ^^ btw, your test are usually announced or is a specific day in which you know you always have tests? xD

    On a more non-serious topic, and a more happy note, can I ask you (I don't think I asked that, lol) how you come in contact with Otome games? ^^
    Well hmm i'm not going to go into all the details if you don't mind but i can say a few thing.
    So there is my brother. A cold emotionless guy (Well he get irritated easily) And then there is my mothed and Father who always argue about something (Well to tell the truth i really hate my mother for deep reasons) So in a house where the mood is always bad it's not the greatest pleasure to live. At least on weekdays they work and are not home that much. 8Oh this kinda a dark topic and i don't want to ruin your mood so i think i will stop here )
    Well if taking test means i don't have to sit at home all day on a weekend i would gladly take them (Well i don't like being at home when all my family is there)
    Hahaha, wow, Wikipedia really knows everything xDD I was curious from your perspective, like what are the trademarks for India, like how are vampires for Romania, my country xDD Btw, how was your day today? I think you had classes since it's Saturday (I actually reminded the day we are in! :-O for a reason, when it's weekend I mess the days xDD) ^^ Hope it wasn't so hectic for you xD
    Oh of course you can call me Gama-chan :megane_blush:
    So you had a test today? How was it i hope you did well on it.
    For me it's the usual boring Saturday. The whole family is home on weekends but it's nothing special. To tell the truth i like weekdays more as i can be alone as much as i want :cheering:
    Hello there Vishy-chan! ^^ if you have time, can you tell me more about your country? ^^ Or anything you wanna talk about xD I am a very curious one as you already know that xD And I like to learn abotu other cultures and so xDD
    Hello there Vishy-chan (hope you don't mind me using your nickname)
    How are you today?
    Hi! Uh, I can't understand why I'm being called senpai (*´ェ`*)ポッ Thanks for the request!! ((´^ω^))
    I can relate. She's contributed so much to the forum, and still does so regularly, that when she's away it feels like a big chunk of the community is missing. And thanks; I had already done it when I messaged you before, though :) It's here if you want to take a look (though I gotta admit it's crazy long).

    Oh, I see. Otome games, in my view, are a relatively exclusive field―people who are into otome games are usually not into non-otome hentai games, and people who are into hentai games meant for guys are usually not into otome games. Having a wide taste isn't bad, though. Zeiva is one of those non-Japanese circles making visual novels, right? Looks like there's an increasing number of them lately, especially for otome games. What do you think of Otomate's games then, considering it's like a "hate it or love it" kind of company?
    Haha, of course! ^^ I'll try to be on frequently, I have little time these days, cause' I... Um, study like the madwoman I am, heh!
    But I'll keep in touch with you, I love RPG's and I feel like I'll enjoy myself in this group :)
    Don't mention it. To be honest i have some more photo but i need to find them first :)

    Well i just finished downloading Onedari Sharemate it's an Otome game with +18 stuff in it. And i'm still playing Diabolik Lovers but well both game is Japanese and as i don't understand the language i need to use machine translators :sowwy:
    Glad to hear that! Yes I did play Amnesia(PC version) and some of the games which have small files, because my internet download speed is way too slow >< I played some PSP otome games too like Norn9 :P
    I like romance, a bit of sci-fiction(high tech) and school life genre more than others~

    The games I play currently are Gakuen K, Starry Sky~ and Clock Zero is on a halt because the school works they have to do :wtf:
    What about you? :D

    Oh sorry if i made you worry. Just the weather was so nice i simply had to go take a walk :)
    Posted in it
    Yup, I do play other stuff aside from otome, mainly the JRPG kind, I guess. I've been a loyal Final Fantasy fan my whole life, from the first to the 10th (The latest ones aren't very appealing to me... well, aside from maybe Type-0) There are other JRPG's I love, who are quite retro, like Legend Of The Dragoon and Grandia on the Psx and Rogue Galaxy on the ps2.
    I play lots and lots of pokemon too! And on my free time, I have fun with MMO's, currently, I'm back on the World Of Kung Fu Server, and Dream Of Mirror Online.
    what about you?
    Nice, we can choose in 9th grade. We have like 4 profiles, like one is more based on math, more on literature etc. I was in the nature science profile because it was the most equilibrated profile xD In high school, we usually have 6 classes meaning we do in a day 6 hours. From Monday until friday, like I mentioned already xD Also, you have Monday until Saturday or you start later or so? ^^ I am quite a curious one, hope you don;t mind it xD
    About the signature, nope, it's just a crop from a manga MTNN (Majin tantei nougami neuro). Quite a sadistic manga but I liked it even tho I just read some chapters. But there is an anime too and I watched that. DIdn't had the calm to finish all those chapters tho xD
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