NO! well, maybe? guess it depends on the outfit they are wearing I guess....I do not believe the "Wonder What Is Beneath Attraction" if it was up to me, everyone would be nude 24/7 at work an everything. LOL! but that is just me I guess.
Have you ever walked in on your friend doing naughty with someone?
No, but I have shot a 82A1 Barrett .50 Cal sniper rifle. My dads friend has a gun shop and he had one he was working on for someone and we got to shoot it once.
Have you ever seen someone slip and fall on purpose to try to sue a store?
[qutoe=GMKosMos]if it was up to me, everyone would be nude 24/7 at work an everything.[/quote]
+1,000,000 on that thought.
And Yeah I seen someone do that once and I told the cop the truth lol
Have you ever read some of the ridiculous lawsuits made and then won? I seen one that blew me away something about a guy had a winnebago and he placed it into overdrive to get a cup of coffee, needless to say it didn't stay on the road long.
Yes, I hope in my old age I am still as fun of a person and open person that I am now :)
I liked the Lawsuit where the guy tried to sue McDonalds for the BigMac not looking on his order like it does on the picture, and WON for false advertisement. That took the cake for me.
Have you ever ate something that you THOUGHT was going to be good, but was SO nasty instead?
I have actually in the past met several people face to face back before I was married and such when I had money and free time to devote to traveling around :)
Yea :( I dropped my ring in the toilet before and I did not have a pair of gloves, but I had to get it out I must have scrubbed my hands for a hour LOL! I used bleach and everything on my hands after getting my ring out.
Have you ever put a M80 in a toilet? or a Cherry Bomb?