Have you ever...

That would be like 6 Pounds! my lord no! That is a lot, I can barely eat 1 hamburger and a small fry at 1 sitting :(

Have you ever cooked something and burnt it really bad?
Haha not really have been really skillful in cooking :P its in my family genes

HAve you ever not sleep for over 3 days?
Yup cause most of the time im cooking ><

Have you ever cooked for more than 10 people ?
Yes, 17 people actually, Chicken Delight and Cobbler.

Have you ever smashed someones foot with a forge hammer?
No can not say I have done that lol

Have you ever felt like just sitting in the dark, with no sound?
If you mean walk through as in shattered the glass no, if you mean walked into a glass door and fell on my butt YES LOL!

Have you ever went to leave the house, locked the door, went out, shut the door, forgot your keys? lol
Happened so many times that apparently I don't need keys for my house anymore (Because I'll forget them eventually lol)

Have you ever run out of questions to ask in this topic?
Nope, I get a little slow but I all ways have something in my head, just afraid to ask some of it HAHA!

Have you ever stopped at a traffic light and fell asleep?
Yes I have

Have you ever wanted to just get in the car and drive, and who cares where you end up?
Not really i only wana be at home and enjoy anime.

Have you ever tried fruit juice of fruits which cant possibly be made into juice?
No :)

Do they make a Watermelon-chan Fruit Juice??? LOL! :)

Have you ever wanted to run away?
Yes i have when i was younger >< but now when i think back its foolish.

Have you ever wondered why is guys so interested in those 2 things?
Because, men think with Mr.Happy, and women think with our hearts.

Have you ever been tired of boys/men?
hmm not really they amuse me sometimes :P

Have you ever had relative who suddenly jsut got married?
Yes, my cousin Amy last year she graduated high school, went to Germany for 3weeks, came back married, NO ONE knew what the hell was going on not even her mom and dad. Very Very Odd! It ended up being a boy she was dating in Elementary School, and part of high school that moved and they loved each other and had that planned.

Have you ever wanted to get married?
Yes of course, i guess i'll find someone. now.. I just wanna watch the girls :D (if a chance comes now of course i'll take it)

Have you ever proposed someone?
Nope, well not yet any way.

Have you ever played an instrument for so long; your fingers bled, but you still kept playing?
Nope, can't play no instruments, though i did play bass a long long time ago.. :D

Have you ever thought what the will happen tomorrow?
Yep, and the outlook is scary!

Have you ever wanted to see into the future?

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ybz378938171 wrote on Otokonoko's profile.
would you please re-upload RJ01159920 RJ01148813 RJ01150525 RJ01153106 RJ01133471 RJ01146160 in mexa ? thx
I'll share the hentai content I have.
TasogareHentai wrote on Shine's profile.
Sorry for interrupt, but can you please, if you still have it, reupload this game? Thanks in advance.
tintin0821 wrote on Nihonjaki90's profile.
Hi, Could you please reupload this? Thank you.
Sirvipe235 wrote on Ryzen111's profile.
Big thanks! Think you could upload this game? Someone requested it years ago but it was never upped.
