Have you ever had experience where you have to haul 2 PC,including keyboards and monitors, up 3 stories or more using the staircase, and after that haul another 2 PC, again including keyboards and monitors, from the 3rd floor or more down using the staircase. *Happened to me today. I'm beat.*
No, and I pray I do not ever have to do that! If I did I would call some peeps I know to come help me LOL! my PC alone weighs over 120LBS easy and that is just the Tower.
Have you ever worked on a PC, that was just SO nasty with dust and cigarette smoke in it?
Something like this:
I fixed a friends PC that was over heating, and shutting down on its own for no known reason, I all ways start with the Power Supply when trouble shooting shutdown issues ect. and that is what I found when I pulled the PSU apart. N A S T Y ! ewww!!!
Numerous times sadly. Last one I did took close to 8 hours to clean. It was a PC I built for a friend who didn't bother to clean it for over a year. I had to take everything apart and give it a thorough cleaning.
Have you ever put something off til the last minute?
Have you ever forgot where you were while talking on a cell, to realize you were screaming so loud that everyone around you is staring and pointing at you.
yes and broke my little toe :( I was trying to help my dad move a new refrigerator into their home since my cousin did not show up, and I was helping pop and dropped the end I had rite on my foot. It hurt so bad I cried for hours.
No, that would really freak me out if that happened. My Uncle is very abusive to his wife and kids, he claims that is what happens to him all the time.
Have you ever just wanted to drop everything, and leave. Either go to another country, or just leave where you are for good. Just the cloths on your back and go!
Have you ever decide to take another route(shortcut) when the traffic light turn red coz you don't like to stop for traffic light? My cousin that. He took an alternative route, but end up following the same car that was in front of him that stopped at the traffic light.
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