KanColle Headquarter!

Re: KanColle Headquarter! 発令!第十一号作戦

Hang on. I'm not asking about the modern Enterprise but the one that actually put Akagi/Kaga out of service at Midway. The USS Enterprise CV-6. I guess she's not in then.

When did I say Montana is superior to Yamato anyways? :confused: > :D All I'm suggesting is that the Montana should be match with A-150. Since both are never completed.

If Taihou is as bad as you say, then there's no hope for poor Shinano.

Oh, that Enterprise, that will probably be known as USS Yorktown if it was ever introduced since they only take the lead ship's name, just like how there is no Kongou, Kirishima, Hiei or Haruna, it will just be known as Kongou and she'll be a hybrid of the 4 ships. And no Yorktown is not current present in game, but I suspect that since there is a Tier IX missing that Yorktown will/might get introduced in the future (Currently at Tier X is the USS Essex). And I don't think Yorktown is better than Akagi/Kaga, they would have been equivalent I think? Wasn't Midway won because the USS intelligence team was able to crack the IJN plan? If not for that the USS probably would have lost Midway as some suggests. I mean whilst under ambush and with Akagi/Kaga/Souryuu crippled during initiate phase of Midway, Hiryuu herself was able to pull off some crazy shit and manage to heavily cripple Yorktown under such circumstance, which Yorktown was later sunk by I-168, but majority of the damage was done by Hiryuu (which probably is one of the reason why Hiryuu Kai Ni have some exceptional aircraft and FP in KanColle, the Tomonaga squad is probably a direct reference to that).

And I'm not saying you're, but in fact I'm just complaining how the developer of WoWS thinks that Montana is far more superior than Yamato and made it that way, unless they balance that out it is clearly no point in playing Yamato at the moment. And as for Taihou, yea she didn't survive that well, nor did Shinano, both sunk by like a few torpedos, which a ship that size shouldn't normally happen, I probably expect Shinano to have exceptionally low luck stats when she's introduced in KanColle, the only reason why I wanted Shinano is because she's listed as a Super Aircraft Carrier, meaning she should have a large deck than most other ships, which technically means she should be able replace Kaga because of numbers of planes Shinano will be able to hold should be great than that of Kaga.
Re: KanColle Headquarter! 発令!第十一号作戦

"...Enterprise, that will probably be known as USS Yorktown if it was ever introduced since they only take the lead ship's name,..

Wasn't Midway won because the USS intelligence team was able to crack the IJN plan?..."

"...wanted Shinano is because she's listed as a Super Aircraft Carrier, meaning she should have a large deck than most other ships, which technically means she should be able replace Kaga because of numbers of planes Shinano will be able to hold should be great than that of Kaga.

Oh you mention that before, only nameship, but still that would suck since Enterprise is a WW2 survivor and being the most fancy one.

And I didn't dive deep enough, too much reading. All I know is that only morons went to war without any sort of planning. With IJN plans to lure USS CV into a trap, and USS with their counter ambush plan. Enough of that, we don't have the power to rewrite/change history. However, it is funny to see people's suggestion on what if IJN won at Midway.
So Kancolle, Akagi/Kaga Kai Ni when?

;) It's obvious Shinano, being a Yamato-class, would have a larger plane slot than Kaga, Tosa-class which is about the size of Bismarck (compare with a ship in Kancolle).

And Shinano luck probably won't be bad. Since even Miyuki can have 10 luck by not doing anything but sinking before WW2 even started. Better luck than some ships that actually did something.
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Re: KanColle Headquarter! 発令!第十一号作戦

I use this for E-5 now:

Mutsu: 51cm, 35.6cm dazzle camo, night scout, sanshiki
Nagato: 46cm, 35.6cm dazzle camo, observation plane, sanshiki
Tone: 20.3cm(3), 20.3cm(2), prototype seiran, sanshiki
Kaga: reppu, ryuusei 601, reppu 601, ryuusei kai
Souryuu: ryuusei 601, reppu, reppu, fumo radar
I-401: damecon, damecon

worked well on my first try. rng allowed me get away without damage. think i should change any equipment? i had another reppu instead of the ryuusei kai before, but that was overkill i think.
Re: KanColle Headquarter! 発令!第十一号作戦

/me relases the main star of K.C....:runhappy:
The Idolmusume...xD!!!

Re: KanColle Headquarter! 発令!第十一号作戦

:/ E5 would drop me a Mutsu than an Isokaze ._.
Re: KanColle Headquarter! 発令!第十一号作戦

:/ E5 would drop me a Mutsu than an Isokaze ._.
There is still time. :D You need to give your Mutsu more attention.
E-3 for weekly transport nets me another Maruyu.
I'm now ready for a Maruyu sacrifice ceremony and one step closer to Super KTKM.
Re: KanColle Headquarter! 発令!第十一号作戦

Is anybody else's KanColle Viewer broken?
Re: KanColle Headquarter! 発令!第十一号作戦

Is anybody else's KanColle Viewer broken?
ver3.6.1 here. No problem so far.
What happened?
- According to Comptiq Volume June 2015, some new ships that are planned for implementation after the conclusion of the Spring 2015 Event will be "pretty niche" or "unique", for example "Ships that were forced to carry aircraft" (Ibuki/Shinano/Hayasui/Shimane Maru?).

This is the second wonderful news after ShouZuiKaku Kai Ni news.

18 May maint.
- End of the Spring 2015 Event
- New Rainy Season-themed stuff
-- New furniture
-- New limited time voices
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Re: KanColle Headquarter! 発令!第十一号作戦

I have no idea, it doesn't start but it gives an error report in a text document.
Well, it's gonna start working sometime.
Re: KanColle Headquarter! 発令!第十一号作戦

E6 hard last kill

Rough resource count: 60k fuel 50k ammo 60k steel 20k baux and 350 buckets
Started fairly well


Kitakami-sama at it's best after Prinz missed her torp salvo




Re: KanColle Headquarter! 発令!第十一号作戦

:/ E5 would drop me a Mutsu than an Isokaze ._.

I got a Nagato. =/ I don't know what is going on. btw.. I use Nagato for E-5 as well.
[MENTION=99902]Menemy[/MENTION]; Congratz, dude. :>
Re: KanColle Headquarter! 発令!第十一号作戦

Ah shit, now I'm stuck trying to clear the final rotation for E-6. I probably need to send out a support fleet but I seriously doubt how much benefit it will give. What support fleet is recommended?
Re: KanColle Headquarter! 発令!第十一号作戦

Ah shit, now I'm stuck trying to clear the final rotation for E-6. I probably need to send out a support fleet but I seriously doubt how much benefit it will give. What support fleet is recommended?

You can skimp pretty hard depending on how close you are cutting things. Full power is 2dd4bb, most common we see 2bb2cv2bb. Acc is important, but the targets that you are killing ultimately dictates how you balance between atk and acc.
Re: KanColle Headquarter! 発令!第十一号作戦

i used 2bb, 2cv(l), 2dd. worked pretty well.
Re: KanColle Headquarter! 発令!第十一号作戦

I got a Nagato. =/ I don't know what is going on. btw.. I use Nagato for E-5 as well.

I use both Nagato and Mutsu in my E5 farming fleet xD Well my E5 farming fleet is my E5 clearing fleet.

Roma 45, Littorio 36, Katsuragi 30. They all started at level 1 together. Roma is flag, but from this I can see that if you have 2 BB in team you're not going to level that CV quick since the MVP is either Roma or Littorio. Oh well I'll have 2 more FBB and 1 more CV at my command for next event.
Re: KanColle Headquarter! 発令!第十一号作戦

Ah shit, now I'm stuck trying to clear the final rotation for E-6. I probably need to send out a support fleet but I seriously doubt how much benefit it will give. What support fleet is recommended?

Double support expedition does indeed help (clears most of the escorts if it hits making NB a whole lot easy)
less escorts=less chances of your girls getting red
Re: KanColle Headquarter! 発令!第十一号作戦

Double support expedition does indeed help (clears most of the escorts if it hits making NB a whole lot easy)
less escorts=less chances of your girls getting red

Double escort is pretty overkill when you considering that 2/3 routes have a yasen node. I guess if you want to march down the middle packing yamatos to guarantee the final run it'd be the best choice, but other than that meh.
Re: KanColle Headquarter! 発令!第十一号作戦

Double escort is pretty overkill when you considering that 2/3 routes have a yasen node. I guess if you want to march down the middle packing yamatos to guarantee the final run it'd be the best choice, but other than that meh.

Cleared with carrier task force south route, 1 yasen node. It's not really about the route but to weaken the preboss as much as you can (main c***blocking force behind E6)

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Re: KanColle Headquarter! 発令!第十一号作戦

Cleared with carrier task force south route, 1 yasen node. It's not really about the route but to weaken the preboss as much as you can (main c***blocking force behind E6)
Eh? Kaga is a walkover on wheel formation. Just pack apen shells if you are that worried about her. Accidents happen far easier at yasen nodes than at Kaga.
Re: KanColle Headquarter! 発令!第十一号作戦

Eh? Kaga is a walkover on wheel formation. Just pack apen shells if you are that worried about her. Accidents happen far easier at yasen nodes than at Kaga.

ayy lmao
That would imply that she can't get your escorts before main force is able to attack (i'm not worried at all, yamasushi can tank her easily). Surprisingly yasen nodes were not a problem for me in any run
Re: KanColle Headquarter! 発令!第十一号作戦

[MENTION=99902]Menemy[/MENTION]; Congrats on clearing E-6 and saving Unryuu(?) :)

I use boss support on my final run but it didn't provide any help at all. Sure it fired but what are misses and scratch going to do?
Setup is 2DD, 2CV, 2 BB with all sparkles to 85 (you only need to sparkle first 2 ships), no overweight guns, 2 red 2 radar on CV & BB.
22 Radar Kai and 32 Radars are used. Red planes with ACC and Bismarck guns for fBB.

And what did I get? RNG support trolling.
It's all on RNG I'm afraid, Menemy got a nice support fire there.
Re: KanColle Headquarter! 発令!第十一号作戦

ayy lmao
That would imply that she can't get your escorts before main force is able to attack (i'm not worried at all, yamasushi can tank her easily). Surprisingly yasen nodes were not a problem for me in any run
She can't though? I didn't even run with Yamatos except for the hell of it for clear once. Between farming and clearing en route was hardly any issue. If I must pick at something to be a problem, it'd be yasen nodes, that's about it. The control over preboss node in being careful with range for fire priority and apen is far greater than 2plane2star shell+praying for yasen node.

I use boss support on my final run but it didn't provide any help at all. Sure it fired but what are misses and scratch going to do?
Setup is 2DD, 2CV, 2 BB with all sparkles to 85 (you only need to sparkle first 2 ships), no overweight guns, 2 red 2 radar on CV & BB.
22 Radar Kai and 32 Radars are used. Red planes with ACC and Bismarck guns for fBB.

And what did I get? RNG support trolling.
It's all on RNG I'm afraid, Menemy got a nice support fire there.
What CVs did you use? Also double 38cm on Kongous is like a puny 130s atk, of course that can end up only scratching.

Well, no matter how much you minmax sometimes rng will slap you in the face, but there is a lot of room to tweak here.

Oh right, full kira on enroute is the norm. There is no point to rng on even the support coming or not. If you are going to dish out the costs for enroute support then you might as well as be as certain as you could about it. 6 ships is still only like ~90ish% chance of coming, so skimping on that kira is just not worth it.
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Re: KanColle Headquarter! 発令!第十一号作戦

I don't sparkle the whole fleet for boss support, usually top 2 sparkles since it never fails me on whether support activates or not. I read somewhere stating sparkles increase ACC for supports hence the reason I went and sparkle the whole fleet. It's bullshit I'd say.

My support CVs are Hiryuu/Souryuu with M12A and their red planes for ACC and 22 Radar Kai/32 Radar.
iirc I receive more target misses compare to scratch damages. My fleet just got lucky with the last run clearing.

And sparkles for top 2 isn't 100% activation for boss support?
[MENTION=99902]Menemy[/MENTION]; Can you share with us your support composition?
Re: KanColle Headquarter! 発令!第十一号作戦

What is this? E6 Hard should only really require boss support in final form, I had no problem clearing/reaching the initial form with just a Kaga and 3 Green 1 Yellow (2x Reppu 601 and 1x Reppu). Heck actually last event was the only event I was tempted to use normal node support and in the end I manage to do Hard without any normal node support. Somehow I don't know why but when I got my Musashi out the boss just surrendered first go, boss support did mainly miss/scratch so it didn't help at all, so I pretty much cleared E6 without support.

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