KanColle Headquarter!

Re: KanColle Headquarter! 発令!第十一号作戦

Yes my luck always seems so shit compared to other's... :sigh:

I have not yet gotten any single rare drop from E-5 or E-6

I have just over 20k resources left so I'm sure I have enough to start over, but as you point out I'm kinda afraid of getting trolled :P
And there's only one day left
Re: KanColle Headquarter! 発令!第十一号作戦

Believe in yourself, believe in your Kanmusu! The power of believe is strong you know!
Re: KanColle Headquarter! 発令!第十一号作戦

Is this some kind of a new ideology?
Re: KanColle Headquarter! 発令!第十一号作戦

Don't know xD But I believed last E5 that I can clear hard, and I believed in my Kanmusu, so I managed it, so why not eh? :P
Re: KanColle Headquarter! 発令!第十一号作戦

Ironic how I'm level 99 but I can't even clear E-6 on Medium :(

Hopefully on Easy I can get Roma or Sakawa or I wouldn't mind U511 either
Re: KanColle Headquarter! 発令!第十一号作戦

To my recall most of the time Node support is a piece of shit. Because 1. they might not appear. 2. they might not appear in the node you want. 3. If it does appear and appear in the node that you want, the node still have some major potential to send you back. 4. If 1, 2 and 3 happens, its a waste of resource.

So the only support I ever use is Boss support, unless I'm really really desperate for some real chance of actually reaching the boss then would I even consider actually thinking about using node support, and that's if I can't modify my ship composition further (e.g. other routes, bringing out Yamato/Musashi class...etc)
Full kira en route support has like 90%+ chance of showing up and is really about the only sane way to do 5-5. Unless you have hotels and want to do carrier path while risking rng from Re more I guess. You can keep resources used on the low side by cheaping out with cvl/ca when your priority are on low armor/hp targets. It is also highly useful for stuff like E2/E6 Truk, or places that have built in Russian roulette nodes, just to keep the rng element lower. Nagano/Kaga sending a combined fleet back for E6 was a pretty big drain for people who just had no luck through E6 last time for example, but combination of support+clt+range for priority on apen bbs does a good job of increasing your chances of disabling those early on.

The Eien Shinken series game designer had a series of tweets about the kancolle game system a while back. They essentially boiled down to how he thinks the game is about players removing as much rng as possible via information gathering and number of attempts to turn a 'rng based game' into a matter of inevitability. On a micro scale, that's what support expeditions do as well.
Ironic how I'm level 99 but I can't even clear E-6 on Medium :(

Hopefully on Easy I can get Roma or Sakawa or I wouldn't mind U511 either
Farmed one u-chan up, gonna try for more.

Consult with your resources as to what to do. That said, tbh admiral levels have about nothing to do with how likely you are capable of doing certain content. If anything higher levels only make it harder for you due to level based scaling not necessarily corresponding with the overall power of your fleet.
Re: KanColle Headquarter! 発令!第十一号作戦

Well I'm done with farm. Still don't have all the ships I want, but I also have no resources.
Time to get the kaku sisters to lv70 or so.
Re: KanColle Headquarter! 発令!第十一号作戦

To a certain extent I'm not sure whether I can agree. RNG is RNG, you technically should never be able to eliminate such thing if it is implemented into a game. Yes you can reduce the chance of something happening by precaution, however the chances of your precaution not actually doing what you intend is also equally as high, resulting probably roughly the same RNG in the end.

I mean E5 last event, I never once send out a single normal node support, only ever sent out boss support and that's for the final form only as well. I remember vividly that clearing of the final mode because it was insanely RNG with 500+400+400 boss just standing there laughing at your face, the support expedition arrived and did mainly miss and like scratch damage, not even sinking the trash, then I was like: "Well that probably just means another fail run and come back again I guess". But CLT open salvo sunk both the DD and so my fleet was able to concentrate fire on the other 4 ships standing. Going into night battle with 1 ship heavily damaged meaning I only have 5 attack remaining, luckily I was able to utilize all 5 shots and able to sink the boss, with the escort BB only 126/400 left before the battle came to a close. I don't even have essentials like "Double Yamato/Taihou/Bisko", all I had was a Musashi and Nagato to mimic the double Yamato, a high level fully modernized Kirishima to replace Bisko and a high level Kaga to replace Taihou. The thing is, I can see from the English wikia a lot of Admiral sortieing out like a fully ringed first fleet with like a maxed out 99 level 2nd fleet + node support + boss support and yet they gave up and couldn't sink the boss, are you suggesting they didn't take enough precaution? To me they just got RNG'd and I don't think you'll ever be able to even remove RNG from a game. The only thing you can really do is train up a fleet of all the girls you have into a decent-ish level so you can fully utilize all the branching rule and try from there, the rest is just up to RNG.
Re: KanColle Headquarter! 発令!第十一号作戦

Well I thought Truk's last dance was pretty poorly balanced myself so that's that, but that isn't the point at all.

The comments in question were about the system as a whole. Even if the system is designed with a certain methodology in mind, failures in numbers tweaking can completely change things. What you mentioned would be one of those cases. But if anything, things like E4 Autumn 13 and Truk last dance are proofs for the validity of the system as a whole. They were obviously tested and found to be possible to be beaten. The parameters for testing, however, simply didn't include natural constraints for players like resources. Having realistic constraints in the testing process would ultimately be the test for difficulty within a limited period, but what if we extend the period out?

Take 5-5 for example, which people whined endlessly about during original implementation. Some dubbed it impossible, others pinned the cost of clearing at 40k+ resources, etc. A year later most people experienced with doing the content from release and on would just brush it off as a hassle rather than some insurmountable obstacle. New players can easily look at the templates of existing methods and try to copy it as well as they can. Is there RNG involved? Yes, I can't say I will always beat it every month under X attempts. Is it something that you can only resign to RNG and resource count? No, while resource usage and the return on investment might not necessarily be worth the effort, it has always fallen well within natural regen level figures even on a week level. New mechanics have hardly changed the map for the sub route (if anything, it made it harder for players), but over time as we learned more about the game mechanics and took the time to minmax, the random elements are reduced.

You mentioned people who have all the LSC ships and ringed them all (btw, Kaga >>>> Taihou for that map). Did that mean they took enough precaution? No. Definitely not. How about equips? How about fine tweaking of support and your own fleets in order of attacks and range? Taking necessary risks with the whirlpool if the Akashi/Katori approach was not working? I am not suggesting that everyone should be farming nikousens out of their ass to fill their support CVs with Ekusa planes, nor am I saying that people should pay up for screws to fully Akashi upgrades. But when there are people who started 1.5 months ago clearing the event on hard, paying obvious attention to equipment setups with the little variations that they have on equips. People who failed in spite of having all these things that new players don't have need to be either supremely unlucky, or to pay attention to finer details.

What I mentioned last page with balancing atk and acc for support is just one of those things that people could've paid attention to but don't. It is easy to look at templates and copy them, but unless you know why these things are made to be templates, simply copying them without having all of the pieces is just a sure way to failure. A key thing for this system is the transmission of information and actually utilizing them. If you ask me, people who failed because they just ran in headfirst deserved it. There are ways to brute force past RNG like that and you can see it easily with people who try RTA with events, but if you are not willing to pay $$$ or to have the investment ahead of time to enable such methods by, say, having maxed resources. Failure is just a given.

What if people don't want to pay that much attention to a game? Should they be forced to? That's really where the question of balance comes in. In the sense that Truk last dance required people to have a good grasp of the unpublished game mechanics and a stroke of luck on top of it, it was definitely poorly balanced. But does it really speak anything of the system? There are definitely areas for improvement for balancing, like the talk about CVs some time back concerning those particular areas of mechanics. But those are finer details unrelated to the fundamentals of what makes up the kancolle game system.

EDIT - Frankly, drops and LSC are a much better example of getting screwed by RNG than anything else. Those two pretty much have no real reasonable methods for approach short of big data. Even after automatic collection and analysis it is still just pure luck.
Re: KanColle Headquarter! 発令!第十一号作戦

I have to say that without RNG c***blocks this game would be far too easy (already too easy for my taste as it is) and far less fun.
Re: KanColle Headquarter! 発令!第十一号作戦

Mmh.. I haven't farmed these last days. Playing girlfriend beta and watching gfinity.. Just hope Isokaze and Yahagi show up soon. The other drops came early for me as well.
Re: KanColle Headquarter! 発令!第十一号作戦

Alright, finally cleared E-6 after switching to Easy. Time to spend the remaining time farming for Unryuu and Amatsukaze
Re: KanColle Headquarter! 発令!第十一号作戦

Good work everyone on clearing the Spring event.
Now, it's time to go back to our- ..boring daily KC days.
Re: KanColle Headquarter! 発令!第十一号作戦

2 u-chans so far and like 7.5 hours left to farm with. Plenty of time. Plenty of time.
Re: KanColle Headquarter! 発令!第十一号作戦

Shin failed to complete E-4....Myoukou is to blame she ate all my buckets!
Re: KanColle Headquarter! 発令!第十一号作戦

@moemoe: Congratulations on your marriage!

@pichu: congrats clear!

@shin: Let's do your best by the next summer event!

In ten days after having cleared all maps, I continued making a sortie against E-6, E-1 and E-3. By several hundred times of sorties, I used tens of thousands of material and several hundred buckets.

Kanmusu whom I hope for...
Amatsukaze, Takanami, Maruyu, Hiryuu, Nagato, U-511(second)

Nachi, Myoukou, Maya which were level 60 became Kai Ni.
Four ships of the Kongou-class grew up to 70 from level 60, too.
My admiral level became 100 from 99.

until the day before of the last day: .... none
I was able to make a lot of baseball and football teams by Kongou-class and Fusou and Mutsu. I thought about the holding of the league match.

the last day:


When can I meet Nagato and Maruyu? :fag:
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Re: KanColle Headquarter! 発令!第十一号作戦

Mmh.. no Isokaze or Yahagi. Still got quite a lot of new girls, so I guess it's not too bad.

@AB congratz \o/

I have ordered a 1/8 figure of Yamato. The light armament one.
Re: KanColle Headquarter! 発令!第十一号作戦

I have ordered a 1/8 figure of Yamato. The light armament one.
Nice! I'm more interested in the heavy one. ;) Still she looks great none the less.
I still don't see any official Bismarck figurine. :chuuni_bwaaah: would love a Drei ver cause better color scheme

18th May 2015

Homeport expansion
250 Ship slots
1100 Equipment slots

Akashi's Improvement Arsenal
15.2cm Naval Gun and Prototype 51cm Twin Cannon can now be upgraded at Akashi's Improvement Arsenal
The 15.2cm series will be updated additionally next update

New Rainy-Season themed voices
Shigure, who is celebrating her 80th Anniversary
Kongou, who is celebrating her 100th Anniversary
A total of about 50 ships

Overweight penalty on CLs. No more 20.3cm for them.
Good bye forever 20.3cm on CLs... Agano guns the hype now?

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Re: KanColle Headquarter! 発令!第十一号作戦

I like the new furniture.
Just gonna give them the 15.5cm ones.
Re: KanColle Headquarter! 発令!第十一号作戦

If they go with it historically, 15.5cm were overweight even for Mogami CL before she turn into CA.
Btw, Mogami getting hourly lines. Kai Ni hinting too?

Light Cruiser Main Gun Fit Bonus added.
Update to 15.2cm gun line at the next update after May 18's update. << Akashi improvement for 15.2cm, I think.
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Re: KanColle Headquarter! 発令!第十一号作戦

I have 3×15.2cm ones so I don't have much choice.
Scrapped my Mogami.
Re: KanColle Headquarter! 発令!第十一号作戦

That was pretty crazy 2 days helping my friend start the event. I was going around E-5 for Isokaze which failed me but I at least got my friend to finish his E-4 within the weekend. E-1 to E-4 with his fleet and the lack of equipment and practically 0 CA.

they're putting a weight limit to CL's huh? I always set my girls to use the 15.2cm's or the 15.5cms anyways so that's cool. And there were the OTO 152mm's from the event too so that helps with the choices.

I can now ease up on my KanColle with just PvP and Expeditions and concentrate on every other game.
Re: KanColle Headquarter! 発令!第十一号作戦

[MENTION=26]KingArturia[/MENTION]; Are you getting her?

That looks nice, but I've already ordered the 1/8 Yamato Kai Heavy Armament one and I can't say I'm a fan of Nendoroid (I don't actually own one xD), though I must admit that Nendoroid looks really cute and nice.

Prototype 51cm Twin Cannon can now be upgraded at Akashi's Improvement Arsenal

What are they going to improve to? IF 51cm Triple Cannon?


She decided to show up last night, thank god my Ayako Kawasumi voice set is now complete A_A I tried looking for Takanami in a few sortie before I sleep but she didn't turn up...oh well not too bad of an event I guess!
Re: KanColle Headquarter! 発令!第十一号作戦

[MENTION=26]KingArturia[/MENTION]; Congrats on saving Isokaze! Did you use my method and believe that she will pop up? :whistle:

I'm in the same ship as you, in fact I never like owning any figurines cause I'll have to make time to clean them every once in awhile due to dust and such. What's more making space for their home.

She's choking that poor teru-teru bozu

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