KanColle Headquarter!

Re: KanColle Headquarter! 発令!第十一号作戦

I don't really remember, but I probably used the composition recommended on the english wiki (4bb, 1ca(v), 1cv | 2clt, 1cl, 2dd, 1fbb). used nagato and kongou class, tone, kaga, kitakami, kiso, sendai, yuudachi (maybe ayanami), shigure, kirishima. tried using fitting equipment at the end, since this somehow worked better. didn't do any sparkling, since i am lazy. rng was probably on my side here. i think they said somewhere to put a searchlight on the second fleet flagship for the yasen node. i did that and it worked well. preboss was an annoying node. AACI might help?
Re: KanColle Headquarter! 発令!第十一号作戦

Come on I just want to get Isokaze, is that too much to ask from E5 or something ;_;
Re: KanColle Headquarter! 発令!第十一号作戦

yes, it's too much. you don't just ask for isokaze. you pray to rng and cry tears of blood. and when isokaze thinks you had enough, she may pay you a visit. ;~;
Re: KanColle Headquarter! 発令!第十一号作戦

Come on I just want to get Isokaze, is that too much to ask from E5 or something ;_;
Just make a wish in your heart and she will pop up during ship drop screen.
Mine pop up after I search whether Isokaze will be surfing around during this event. I totally didn't expected that. :D Do what I did?
Re: KanColle Headquarter! 発令!第十一号作戦

Just make a wish in your heart and she will pop up during ship drop screen.
Mine pop up after I search whether Isokaze will be surfing around during this event. I totally didn't expected that. :D Do what I did?

Too busy pwning noobs on WoWS with my Kuma until I got gang up by 2 BB 2 CL vs me on my Kuma. Isokaze-chan just doesn't want to join me or something :/
Re: KanColle Headquarter! 発令!第十一号作戦

3-2A leech to level 45. I might just drop the whole Stat > Looks for DD-classes. RNG can screw anyone.

The Kai outfit looks to be a better fit for her.

From wiki recent update page :

Other features

- On top of the game's main screen, it have a greyed out button with text saying "friendship system" and "to be implement in phase 2".

- According to early news report, there were plan to support flash-enabled android tablet and smartphone.
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Re: KanColle Headquarter! 発令!第十一号作戦

I don't sparkle the whole fleet for boss support, usually top 2 sparkles since it never fails me on whether support activates or not. I read somewhere stating sparkles increase ACC for supports hence the reason I went and sparkle the whole fleet. It's bullshit I'd say.

My support CVs are Hiryuu/Souryuu with M12A and their red planes for ACC and 22 Radar Kai/32 Radar.
iirc I receive more target misses compare to scratch damages. My fleet just got lucky with the last run clearing.

And sparkles for top 2 isn't 100% activation for boss support?
The topic was about enroute support and how useful it is for E6 though >> I religiously kira my supports for 5-5, but not a lot of care paid to e6 this time around.

I think just flag support is enough to have like 95% for boss. Also Souryuu needs like +22 divebomb to hit cap. Need to farm more ekusa planes. Anyway, for boss node support I'd focus on firepower from fbb equips rather than fit. Scratching newtype heavies is pointless.
- On top of the game's main screen, it have a greyed out button with text saying "friendship system" and "to be implement in phase 2".

- According to early news report, there were plan to support flash-enabled android tablet and smartphone.

Friend fleet was greyed out from the beginning and we have had 0 words on season 2. Mobile support was considered and quickly dropped and never mentioned again cuz server loads already killing them. What's with English wiki and random outdated information.
Re: KanColle Headquarter! 発令!第十一号作戦

@Menemy Congrats on clearing E6 :).

@Fire you know, i tried to not post when Isokaze showed up for me ^^.
Re: KanColle Headquarter! 発令!第十一号作戦

Anyway, for boss node support I'd focus on firepower from fbb equips rather than fit. Scratching newtype heavies is pointless.

By Firepower, I assume the use of 2x 46cm on Kongou-class, won't the miss rate shoot up even higher?

Being freaking CAs, them Ne-class have insane dodge against combined fleet as well. Even better then the Ni-class DD.
They are probably this E-6 most annoying abyssal for most players.
My Suzuya sure doesn't dodge like them. In fact getting to red is her specialty.

[MENTION=33830]moemoe-kyun[/MENTION]; Why not? Look on the positive side, it gives others more motivation to look for her. Anyways, congrats on saving her!:D


They said it's Haruna's panties.

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Re: KanColle Headquarter! 発令!第十一号作戦

By Firepower, I assume the use of 2x 46cm on Kongou-class, won't the miss rate shoot up even higher?

Being freaking CAs, them Ne-class have insane dodge against combined fleet as well. Even better then the Ni-class DD.
Double 41s are only like a 2% difference, and you can use protos to compensate with additional acc on equips. Alternatively you can mix and match guns, since the biggest penalty comes from stacking of guns anyway.

Overall I think people worry too much about acc and forget about the armor of the things they are supposed to be penetrating. There is a lot of flexibility with equips when you don't get fixated with fit classes. The only ones that have really simple equip setups are like carriers due to the silly level of firepower and acc you can stack from just having the right equips.
Re: KanColle Headquarter! 発令!第十一号作戦

[MENTION=29996]ecael[/MENTION]; How about changing 1 radar for an AP shell?
Re: KanColle Headquarter! 発令!第十一号作戦

[MENTION=29996]ecael[/MENTION]; How about changing 1 radar for an AP shell?
3shiki didn't work with supports supposedly so I don't think the bonus from apen is counted for support either. Probably not worth.
Re: KanColle Headquarter! 発令!第十一号作戦

[MENTION=99902]Menemy[/MENTION]; Can you share with us your support composition?

Boss Support
Yuudachi KN 72: 12.7cm B, 12.7cm B, 10cm HA
Hibiki Kai 51: 10cm HA, 10cm HA, 10cm HA
Hiei Kai 60: 46cm, 46cm, 41cm, 41cm
Haruna Kai 59: 46cm, 41cm, 41cm, 41cm
Junyou KN 84: Suisei 601, Suisei 12A, Suisei 12A, Ju87C
Hiyou Kai 82: Ju87C, Suisei, Suisei, Suisei

Node support
Akizuki Kai 42: 10cm HA+AAFD, 10cm HA+AAFD, 10cm HA
Samidare Kai 47: 10cm HA, 10cm HA, 10cm HA
Yamashiro 66(non BBV): 41cm, 41cm, 41cm, 41cm
Kongou Kai 43: 41cm, 41cm, 41cm, 41cm
Zuihou Kai 66: Suisei, Suisei, Suisei, Suisei
Chitose KN 80: Suisei, Suisei, Suisei, Suisei

Too busy pwning noobs on WoWS with my Kuma until I got gang up by 2 BB 2 CL vs me on my Kuma. Isokaze-chan just doesn't want to join me or something :/

Server and name? I'm playing NA, name Menemy
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Re: KanColle Headquarter! 発令!第十一号作戦

Server and name? I'm playing NA, name Menemy

I play on the EU server so I don't think we'll ever see each other :P As always my name is Arturia Seiba Pendragon
Re: KanColle Headquarter! 発令!第十一号作戦

Boss Support
Yuudachi KN 72: 12.7cm B, 12.7cm B, 10cm HA
Hibiki Kai 51: 10cm HA, 10cm HA, 10cm HA
Hiei Kai 60: 46cm, 46cm, 41cm, 41cm
Haruna Kai 59: 46cm, 41cm, 41cm, 41cm
Junyou KN 84: Suisei 601, Suisei 12A, Suisei 12A, Ju87C
Hiyou Kai 82: Ju87C, Suisei, Suisei, Suisei

Node support
Akizuki Kai 42: 10cm HA+AAFD, 10cm HA+AAFD, 10cm HA
Samidare Kai 47: 10cm HA, 10cm HA, 10cm HA
Yamashiro 66(non BBV): 41cm, 41cm, 41cm, 41cm
Kongou Kai 43: 41cm, 41cm, 41cm, 41cm
Zuihou Kai 66: Suisei, Suisei, Suisei, Suisei
Chitose KN 80: Suisei, Suisei, Suisei, Suisei

Ouch, that's a middle finger to the whole ACC crap. And they can still land hits compare to using radars.
Do you sparkle the whole fleet for Node support? I like to know how many times it activates for you.
Re: KanColle Headquarter! 発令!第十一号作戦

Ouch, that's a middle finger to the whole ACC crap. And they can still land hits compare to using radars.
Do you sparkle the whole fleet for Node support? I like to know how many times it activates for you.
That's fine for easy stuff like this E6, I would never dare to run that in 5-5 or during Truk.
Re: KanColle Headquarter! 発令!第十一号作戦

Ouch, that's a middle finger to the whole ACC crap. And they can still land hits compare to using radars.
Do you sparkle the whole fleet for Node support? I like to know how many times it activates for you.

Boss support is generally reliable for activation but might just miss, i don't sparklecolle since i find it useless. If RNG jesus wants you to fail no sparkling will help you. I obviously started using the expeditions for last kill and i got to the boss once which was the kill itself, normal node expedition however is not reliable at all but if you can spare resources it does help. Why the hate on 2DD2FBB2CVL though

Tfw i forgot to do EOs this month...
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Re: KanColle Headquarter! 発令!第十一号作戦

If there was any hate it was for the no acc setup. I cheap it out with cvls too more often than not personally. That said, I don't even see the point of sending a fleet out for like 60% chance of showing up for en route. It works this event because we obviously didn't need them anyway, at places like 5-5 where you are highly reliant on having en route knock things out for you? Waste of resources. Might as well as run no support for more attempts.
Re: KanColle Headquarter! 発令!第十一号作戦

Until now I've never use node support at all, only boss support for events. So I would like to know how many ship sparkles are needed to have about 80%+ activation for node support? I personally don't hate Shell Support since the other 2 support are pretty much useless and no one seems to care about. (Torpedoes and Air support)

I just recently unlock 5-1 on my side and was going to clear it together with the 3 slow BB + 1 CL quest or Haruna's quest or Choukai's quest, which is the most insane with Nishimura's Mikawa's 5 CA and 1 CL.
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Re: KanColle Headquarter! 発令!第十一号作戦

To my recall most of the time Node support is a piece of shit. Because 1. they might not appear. 2. they might not appear in the node you want. 3. If it does appear and appear in the node that you want, the node still have some major potential to send you back. 4. If 1, 2 and 3 happens, its a waste of resource.

So the only support I ever use is Boss support, unless I'm really really desperate for some real chance of actually reaching the boss then would I even consider actually thinking about using node support, and that's if I can't modify my ship composition further (e.g. other routes, bringing out Yamato/Musashi class...etc)
Re: KanColle Headquarter! 発令!第十一号作戦

Oh god don't do this to me please don't do this to me why am I unable to sink the stupid boss one day before the freaking event ends stupid final rotation asdfghjkl
Re: KanColle Headquarter! 発令!第十一号作戦

Oh god don't do this to me please don't do this to me why am I unable to sink the stupid boss one day before the freaking event ends stupid final rotation asdfghjkl

Try sacrifice a few Maruyu to RNG Kami-sama, maybe you'll get some luck! xD
Re: KanColle Headquarter! 発令!第十一号作戦

You did it last time, you can do it again pichu!
Re: KanColle Headquarter! 発令!第十一号作戦

Thing is, I don't have any Maruyu.

Should I switch to Easy or push onward with Medium
Re: KanColle Headquarter! 発令!第十一号作戦

Thing is, I don't have any Maruyu.

Should I switch to Easy or push onward with Medium

If you're really scared and have resource then go for the Easy kill, otherwise if you're low on resource/buckets I would say stick with Medium. Even with easy there are still chances of you being trolled still xD And I'm surprised you have no Maruryu, I had a few from this event already xD

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