KanColle Headquarter!

[MENTION=26]KingArturia[/MENTION]; Did they state when is the Beta phase gonna end?
- Houshou in game as the starter CV for IJN? and is she even a threat?
- Show your CV in action, nvm Kongou.
[MENTION=26]KingArturia[/MENTION]; Did they state when is the Beta phase gonna end?
- Houshou in game as the starter CV for IJN? and is she even a threat?
- Show your CV in action, nvm Kongou.

Threat wise no, actually most IJN CV are not that much of a threat if you have a USS CV on your side that's loaded with 2 fighter squad, because their planes get eat up by the Hellcats like no tomorrow. However a good IJN CV is by all means a threat, considering if he go ToraToraTora and have a high level of forward planning, you're fucked because Hakuryuu (Tier X not released) comes with 5 Torp Squad + 3 Dive Squad meaning even Yamato/Montana will have some stupidly sad times against them if they do know what they're doing (e.g. don't fly planes over escorting USS CA/CL, that's just asking for trouble because of how beefy their AA stats are)

In fact IJN is just not even worth playing because of how much USS outclass them at the moment, the reason why I've stuck to the IJN because of my fond for my KanMusu, otherwise I probably would have rage quit ages ago, because its just not fun being in an IJN ship right now, it would take twice as much outplay to even sink an American ships right now because of how outgunned you're.

When is Beta coming to an end? You mean close beta? If so then erm...I think Open Beta was planned for around Sept/Oct as far as I'm concerned, however date is probably subject to change and you can still play the game by getting one of the premium bundle like I did (Yuubari/Sims/Gremyashchiy), which is not bad because those ships cannot be obtained within a year after the game is release, so if you love Yuubari chan then I would say go for it, if not just wait for the Open Beta since its just frustrating playing as IJN ships right now and if your intention is to play IJN ships then you might at least wait for a few patch more to see whether they fix this or whether I'm just going to call this World of American Ships.
Racism is showing in their game. I'll hold back with the beta cause I remember you mention about there being a wipe or something after it.

Also, how good must one's judgement be? I suck at trajectory games.:P Never beaten a map in Worms and suck at Pangya. But not at a level where one aims the cross hair following directly at a moving target.
Racism is showing in their game. I'll hold back with the beta cause I remember you mention about there being a wipe or something after it.
Also, how good must one's judgement be? I suck at trajectory games.:P Never beaten a map in Worms and suck at Pangya.

Well, depends on what you play. There are torpedo aim assists so you don't really need be expert on it (though recent change on how ships turn make torpedo really hard to actually hit unless you're within suicidal range (e.g. 3.5 km which means Yamato will finish off your poor Shimakaze with her secondary armament which is automatically activated when a ship becomes close enough before she might even have a chance to launch her monster Torpedo). If you're playing CL/CA, well their reload time isn't too bad (varies from around 5-10 seconds depending on whether you play IJN or USS, and yes USS Tier X have like a 4.5 second reload whilst the IJN have 11 seconds or so I think, both shooting the same caliber guns if I recall correctly) If you're playing a BB, well you're punished a lot if you miss because of how long it takes for a BB to reload (I think around 30-45 seconds whether you're IJN/USS), but you'll pick up how to roughly estimate how far ahead you have to shoot your bullet, don't even try to catch a DD when you're a BB unless you really have to, they'll just out maneuver the shots the moment they saw the flash (if they're paying attention)...You don't actually have to calculate how the trajectory is done, the computer does everything, the only thing you need to "roughly" calculate is how much further you have to shoot ahead of the ships when your bullet reaches target (you'll be given information such as how far the targets are and how long it takes for the shells to reach them)

I won't say racism, but I do see one form of favoritism over foreign ships, especially the USS. I mean what's with this bullshit of a Montana able to out turn a Fubuki? Yep that's happening in game right now because Checku-sama also play but he's much further ahead since he was in the original beta I think, he got Yamato already when I start, so yea he's wayyyyyyyyyyyyy ahead of me, but he's telling me how he saw a Montana out turning a Fubuki...like...how? As for wipe, you'll get refunded all real money purchase you made (well obviously xD), ships packs like Yuubari you keep. You'll lost all ships you've earned, however I'm trying out a lot of different class because I want to know what I like the most, I really need to start on trying out the IJN DD, the only class I haven't actually played yet from the IJN trees, so when the game hits I'll be able to know what I really want to "grind" first instead of wasting exp on grinding a class that I actually won't like at all. There should still be 2 more big wipe I think, one is Open Beta wipe, the other is pre-launch wipe...
[MENTION=29996]ecael[/MENTION]; What's the fleet setup for leveling at 5-4?
The first node feels like 3-2 but sometimes with CV and CA in it. EXP is very good but hard for a DD to get MVP, getting Akatsuki ready for K2. Going through middle route is a bad idea with a possibility of 2 CAs screwing thing further.
You can farm first node with sub tank like 321, or you can do the whole route from top, all fast 4 drums at least 2 cvs. Rest is as I have described in the post last page. You just put DD in flag and forget about mvp. The point of 5-4 farm is for drops and senka while leveling everything pretty evenly as well as having a bit of refuel.
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I should really defeat the 4-4 boss. Leveling 3-2 is getting tedious.
I thought that your home port would be a bath :D Takanami having an umbrella in a bath is very cute!

(Haruna is Lv78 now)
As for the art of Kongou-class, I like Kai than Kai Ni...
As for the art of Kongou-class, I like Kai than Kai Ni...

I agree, I prefer the Kai art to the Kai Ni art. Same goes for Fubuki and Murakamo :S

Got quite some Kai Ni's too but I'm too lazy to upload the pics and share it here :X
Count me in for Kongous basic art better than K2. Their damage art is good though.

[MENTION=67840]pichu655889[/MENTION]; there are changes on Fubuki K2? I need to get my eyes checked. :rolleyes:

[MENTION=90889]AB_Titty[/MENTION]; Congrats on getting them K2. The best support exp group.

...he saw a Montana out turning a Fubuki...like...how?
Damn awesome? A BB out turn a DD.:D
Can you do starboard/port anchor maneuver in game? Risky move but it is also a bad ass move.
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June Kai Ni will be another .. fking.. CA. Aoba / Kako / Atago / Takao.
The devs love for CAs is unsinkable.

Pudding won't get K2 until she is available to everyone. As in new players after Fall 2014. Unless such case happened before.
Oooooooooh?! a new CA Kai Ni?

Will I finally get my Wolf of Solomon?! Aoba pl0x, she's been waiting for her chance in my fleet.
Anyone can confirm the info regarding Shouhou's Kai Ni art is true? Still I'm not expecting much awesomeness from his Kancolle work.
Recent Myoukos K2 isn't really all that impressive to me. Tone still the best.

There are not even trying anymore with May 29 K2 hints

Special type 3 DD name ship.
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@AB i use the bath before the event. Oh i forget to check new furniture. Btw Congrats on your most famous 21th century BB. :D

I don't dislike Kongou sister kai ni art at all ( Kongou is same pose, just change the view angle right? ). I prefer the kai art. Bucky and Murakumo kai ni art is disappointed >.<.
Damn awesome? A BB out turn a DD.:D
Can you do starboard/port anchor maneuver in game? Risky move but it is also a bad ass move.

Won't be awesome if he out turn you and then fire one salvo to sink you...

And I'm not quite sure what you mean by that (since I can't say I fully understand the picture) but I can tell you even BB turn like RC boats in game at the moment so I won't be surprised if you can pull off this shit right now.
And I'm not quite sure what you mean by that (since I can't say I fully understand the picture) but I can tell you even BB turn like RC boats in game at the moment so I won't be surprised if you can pull off this shit right now.
So, BBs can turn like RC boats huh.. Oh well..

Notice the numbers on the image? Try following them in order. There's only one ship in that image, just showing you the process of how it is done.

Anchor maneuvering is kinda like drifting for ships, allows one ship to do 180 degree turn by running at full speed ahead then dropping the anchor and full speed ahead for the turn.
Someone did mention that Akitsushima manage to pull this off and saving her ass from being shot.

Since you mention they can turn like RC boats, this move isn't even needed.
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Notice the numbers on the image? Try following them in order. There's only one ship in that image, just showing you the process of how it is done.

Ah, well thing is, there is no such thing as an Anchor maneuvering in the game, just how much you turn your steering, either half or max starboard/port turns. But yea you can quite easily pull one of those things without having to drop the anchor at all, that's how quick American BBs are turning at the moment. I don't think I have the image anymore but I think Checku-sama sent me a picture of how the American BB turn and its stupid, the image will make you think that the BB shouldn't be floating (as it was like 45 degree to the side of the waterline). I can probably go to a bot match and just turn my Kongou at full speed to reproduce some results and take a picture if you want ;P
[MENTION=26]KingArturia[/MENTION]; Do post some, would be fun to see Kongou doing DD style turning. What happen to your CV actions screenshots?:P Share them to. Awesome moments only preferred.

Can you also take a screenshot for the controls? I'm curious. WASD for movement?
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[MENTION=26]KingArturia[/MENTION]; Do post some, would be fun to see Kongou doing DD style turning. What happen to your CV actions screenshots?:P Share them to. Awesome moments only preferred.

Can you also take a screenshot for the controls? I'm curious. WASD for movement?

I'll hop on after my patcher finish patching another game. Control wise, its W for going up 1/4 speed and S going down 1/4 speed. A and is turn your steering, you can also use Q and E to lock the steering (e.g. when you want to do a 180 turn whilst still aiming at a ship you just lock it to port/starboard and just keep aiming.

As for CV action, well too bad because CV have not much worth taking pictures since its just a RTS game, plus I'm very bad at CV at the moment so I can't really say much, maybe when I work my way up to Shoukaku then maybe, she is the highest Tier out at the moment for IJN CV at Tier VIII, actually Hiryuu is at Tier VII, might do better then when the plane isn't so bad xD
[MENTION=26]KingArturia[/MENTION]; Do we get free cam rotation? You can snap a screen of CV launching their planes (with half of them air borne but not far away from the ship) from an angle, that would be an amazing shot.

Shoukaku best IJN CV? What of that Tier X CV you mention before?

Also, every CV have their own sets of fixed planes? How much can each of them carry at max?
By amount Houshou will be pretty bad with about 15 planes max on her (the amount she can carry in tthe real thing). I can't see myself having fun using her and the amount of planes she launches.
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[MENTION=26]KingArturia[/MENTION]; Do we get free cam rotation? You can snap a screen of CV launching their planes (with half of them air borne but not far away from the ship) from an angle, that would be an amazing shot.

Shoukaku best IJN CV? What of that Tier X CV you mention before?

Yes, Shoukaku is currently the best IJN CV at Tier VIII. Tier IX is Taihou and Tier X is the G-15 class which they named it Hakuryuu at the moment, neither we can access in the game just yet.

Free cam, yes I do suppose you've free 360 degree rotation around to aim your guns and see what's in the surrounding (e.g. planes going directly above etc). I'll be a hard time to try and snap 2 in the air and 1 about to launch since I've it on the lowest setting at the moment (somehow the IJN CV patch made it really laggy for me to run on High setting for some reason, well I don't have the best graphics card in the world for my laptop either so I guess its not too bad) so I think I only see 1 plane instead of the 4 that you'll see in higher settings (or 6 if you're running a USS CV Squadron) so all you would see its the 2 plane in the air (if they're close enough, since they're really small) and the one on the run way about to be launched.




Here are two images, one is me firing a salvo and one is my Kongou at full turn, not as impressive as the American BB though. I'm working on the CV one :P






Here are some CV images, I came middle ish that game but I'm still really getting used to CV compared to the normal BB/CL/CA that I play xD The last image, I think I took it a bit too late but that American BB was turning like there's no tomorrow.
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[MENTION=26]KingArturia[/MENTION]; Your graphic settings looks alright to me. The game also looks pretty good on the lowest setting in fact.

I don't know your Kongou default cruising direction and judging from that ship trail, it does looks like she's drifting instead of turning like how a BB should. ;) I'm no naval expert but it could be possible for her to do that since she's a fast BB.

Still, there's no point complaining since the game is still in beta after all. They might fixed it for the final release.


The only ship known that did anchor maneuvering is Akitsushima. She pulled it off but it is not clear whether she actually does it in the war.
Akitsushima's sortie line in Kancolle : Now's the time, Akitsushima-style combat navigation technique, maybe I'll do it in a real battle!

The move was also feature in the movie, Battleship (2012), but a BB doing it is just too much cause weight problem and anchor durability. Let's not get into it since it's too deep.

You can also note that ship trail in the first few seconds, does it look anything like what you Kongou did? :D

Also, sorry everyone for turning this thread into a huge mess when it's suppose to be mainly about Kancolle stuff.
Fufuf i don't mind. See some update here about Wows is good because i want to give a try too. Oh but i'll wait until the game is published. Hmm but if they make imbalance for japanese ship, i'm ready to drop this game. ^^

Edit: @shiro it's in Battleship movie.
[MENTION=26]KingArturia[/MENTION]; Your graphic settings looks alright to me. The game also looks pretty good on the lowest setting in fact.

I don't know your Kongou default cruising direction and judging from that ship trail, it does looks like she's drifting instead of turning like how a BB should. ;) I'm no naval expert but it could be possible for her to do that since she's a fast BB.

Erm...I'm no naval expert either, but unless you can somehow tell me how the centre point of that ships is enough not to tilt the ship over and sink it, I'll be impressed, considering how heavy the 36cm guns were, Kongou have 4x2 of those as well. I just also noticed that my Kongou doesn't have rudder upgrade available to her, so she wasn't a great example, I looked at the Fuso and noticed she had a 20% rudder upgrade so I went and spin her at max speed which is 24 knots. This is the results:


I mean, not the best angle but if you look at the front and notice how much the pagonda mast bridge is angled, you'll immediately think how is this turning possible, especially when Fuso carry 6x2 36cm guns across the whole body, and she's very well know to be top heavy. At this point I don't even know anymore. As for graphics, yes this game is very appealing even when it is on lowest setting, though its much better if you set everything to full because you can also see the mini AA guns and other small pieces on the ships function as well, whereas lowest setting doesn't do that I don't think.

The only ship known that did anchor maneuvering is Akitsushima. She pulled it off but it is not clear whether she actually does it in the war.
Akitsushima's sortie line in Kancolle : Now's the time, Akitsushima-style combat navigation technique, maybe I'll do it in a real battle!

Let's not get too excited. Thinking about it logically, I did a few number search, I won't say the figures are exactly correct since its just a quick wikipedia search, however Akitsushima is only around 5k long tonnes when loaded, the Fuso herself is 36k long tonnes, Kongou herself apparently is just as heavy as Fuso and let's also include the heaviest ships ever built back in the time, the Yamato: 72k when fully loaded. See the difference already? I mean the Yamato turret itself is weighed 4k tonnes off the top of my head.

The move was also feature in the movie, Battleship (2012), but a BB doing it is just too much cause weight problem and anchor durability. Let's not get into it since it's too deep.

You can also note that ship trail in the first few seconds, does it look anything like what you Kongou did? :D

That does look cool, BB-63 is Missouri right? I'm surprised they didn't use the Iowa or the Montana (well Missouri is an Iowa class so I guess that count I guess xD)

Also, sorry everyone for turning this thread into a huge mess when it's suppose to be mainly about Kancolle stuff.

As for this point I might go make a WoWS thread in the future.
Power steering ftw! j/k :D

Are those the ship trails? If so, I don't know how can the whole ship even be in that current position in the first place. Let's bury this, a BB can't turn that much.
A BB drifting is magic. Plus, it's Fusou. :o_O:
It's a game. Anything is possible if they want it. :whistle::whistle: I guess.

That does look cool, BB-63 is Missouri right? I'm surprised they didn't use the Iowa or the Montana (well Missouri is an Iowa class so I guess that count I guess xD)
Are those the ship trails? If so, I don't know how can the whole ship even be in that current position in the first place. Let's bury this, a BB can't turn that much.
A BB drifting is magic. Plus, it's Fusou. :o_O:

Yep, what you're seeing right there is the ship trails, I mean its just funny looking at BB turning circle sometimes, I've seen worse in American BB because in game they've better turning circles than IJN BB, maybe if I see one in the future I'll snap a screenshot for you xD If I have angle'd it on the other side you can also see the torpedo bulge

[MENTION=29996]ecael[/MENTION] I think I might know the answer to this already, but just making sure: can I sortie my Nagato to say...5-5 and then put another Nagato in Support Expedition of 5-5 xD?
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