The advance in the heavyly damaged(大破) state may let KanMusu sink. They don't sink if it's minor damage(小破) or moderate damage(中破).
1-4 is the first barrier in KanColle. You must challenge it by the strongest fleet which oneself has.
Do you have CV(Aircraft Carrier) or CVL(Light Aircraft Carrier)?
Class classification
Do you make various airplanes with development?
(Fighter, Dive Bomber, Torpedo Bomber)
Equipment List
Do you perform various quests?
Quests List
You get carrier Akagi if you achieve Quest A-11 and B-10. At first let's prepare Akagi and airplanes. It's a course to 1-4 clear.
- A11: 第2艦隊で空母機動部隊を編成せよ! Have an aircraft carrier/light aircraft carrier and 3 destroyers in your SECOND fleet.
- B10: 敵空母を撃沈せよ! Sink an enemy aircraft carrier.

Well, What character is your avatar? She is very cute :P