[LPW #34] Spam Heaven!

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Bye-bye, fire~ :3

Take care and sweet dreams.

This game, I want to try.


Lol. My friend was playing The House 1 & 2, which is a browser horror game and the 'monsters' come out when you keep on clicking. So I put the speakers to maximum volume, stole the mouse and repeatedly clicked.

Ooh, Ib is pretty amazing for an RPG maker game. Though some of the puzzles are annoying.
/me keeps mental note about the puzzles

/me hears the sounds of...
Yeah, it has some horror elements to it. It didn't freak me out too much, but the monsters were a bit creepy.
Sam is a music lover. Play for the music.

I go for graphics or personal interest.
Hmm well teh graphics dont look too bad either xD I dont particularly dislike rpg as well...
I actually played that O.O It wasnt too scary for meh... but i only played the free version which is first couple bosses :/
The fact wasn't that it was scary, it was disturbing. Quite a difference between the two. I always die though.
/me keeps note of Binding of Issac

/me hums to a tune of Star Rise
Disturbing... how amusing~ :3

So hot over here. /me drinks more water
Games like The Binding of Isaac or Braid scare me more than those games with hideous monsters.

I'm scared by what's below the surface. It's like reading an ambiguous story and let your imagination run wildly toward the bad end... Hmm idk how to describe this feeling. XD

Your feelings were described pretty well. Just say you were 'keeping on your toes' and kept 'going crazy'. Lol~
My fears are different from Frank's. Though they are similar in a way.

Yeah, you don't expect a peaceful classical piece, would you?
I didn't mind the screaming. I thought it added more 'flavor' to the song.

Fear Factor round one.
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