[LPW#72] i won? sorry for the wait!

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unown - Thanks, I really need to check all my old/new set I've made when my hdd died on me... I still remember some that I've made but haven't use yet.

Meh, old guys like me have plenty of fun and money ain't a problem so I can buy anything I want whenever I want, wherever I want. xDD
I make more money than some of my friends combine in a month. Plus side, I do what I like to do.
I always live my life to the fullest and don't regret a thing. If you start regretting, that is when I will call myself old. xD
I just have a part time job and I already don't have much I want to buy (other than things out of current income scope, but I'm sure anticlimax isn't going around buying houses everywhere either... maybe some day).
Lol, I already bought a house this summer. I don't need another one in a long long time. xD
Life can also take an unexpected path some times. And I know what I am talking about since one of my best friends died a few years back.
Well, hello and g'evening ASF/LPW-people...:goodtea:~>

And to American side: G'afternoon - Anti/Final^^!

Notice: DAMN nice new set, Anti^^!!!
Nothing much, I'm currently playing Disgaea 4: A Promise Unforgotten. Had that game on my shelf for way too long.
I see, then a game-noon/time at you... And, makes it still fun...?:goodtea:~>
Well, fun for me since I love that type of games. Some people don't like it, but for me, its plenty of fun.
Haha, me too, that is why sometime I import the jap version of the game. Well, most of my RPGs games are in japanese.
Well, to be honest; I'm not more a SE-fan, but some my friends are still crazy on that series, Anti...:goodtea:~>
Yo Dream...:hi:
Well, it is a fun series for fans like me. I love every kind of rpg games so it doesn't really matter to me.
Well, I hope, that you then the fun on that furthermore hold will, Anti...:goodtea:~>
hey nanashi

i also like all kinds of rpgs but i hate when they make an awesome rpg too short. for example fire emblem: awakening was amazing but it only took me 30 hrs :(
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