[LPW #94] Since I couldn't think of a LPW Theme, I went with Final Fantasy since I am currently playing Final Fantasy X HD

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Heya Crammy

3 VNs huh, which are they :0

I really gotta learn Jap :deadsad:

It's already on my to-play list but thanks anyway :3

I'll be off a bit, cya~
I'll try to learn some Japanese language too, but it's really hard...

Maybe step by step I'm able to read something in 10 years :runaway:
I need to learn Spanish first since I am Hispanic, and only know about 2 words in Spanish :dead:
Learning a foreign language when you're young seems easier, according to the hard experience that most people shared (which are college students/working)
Learning a foreign language when you're young seems easier, according to the hard experience that most people shared (which are college students/working)

It is, learning a foreign language as a adult is a lot more difficult
Yay *can't find a fitting emoticon for this*
What's the next most important language after english I wonder
After English? Spanish or Portuguese I guess (think of how many countries are speaking these languages) and then maybe German/French/Italian... They were spoken worldwide

But I want to read and to understand the Japanese... and maybe it'll help me in the future... next to all the programming languages it's hard to learn one extra, especially when they're as hard as Japanese
Lol yeah... all those characters for everything xD Makes for pretty writing if they make it artsy but... not really otherwise...

Children from 3-7 have the most brain cells i think? After that it kind of all goes away so we cant absorb as much =w=

See you inf~
No idea
But back when I was a kid they thought china will soon be as important as the US, what with all it's trade relations and such
It is now pretty the same I guess... but I think before we have to learn their language, they have to learn western languages...
If you're outside China... where do you need it otherwise?

In the US their is a huge Chinese population, so it's a good idea to learn it here.

Also for international business since they have the 2nd biggest economy in the world right now
a lot of countries are investing and moving companies to China
Hmm chinese has hundreds of dialects as well... thought canto and mando are the main ones =w= And i think the joining of markets is mutual overall...~ China is fairly important for most large companies that want to keep prices down... cant say much about the quality though... so yes chinese is fairly important... I feel that english opens most western markets already...
The shit I hate is the fact that a pin yin can have up to 5 different characters

Yoho kyoudai no XXX
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