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  • M
    You're welcome:3
    computer science? OWO sounds fun:3
    I picked Architecture for my subject (SAVEME), it's pretty stressing and it puts me under a lot of pressure x.x apparently my teacher is a mad perfectionist
    also do you have skype?:3
    Talking about your exam, how did it go? I hope you did well. Oh, sleeping problems. I have them. I go to bed so late and overdrawn that I cannot sleep. Yeah, I cannot. I stay all the night awake and dring class I only want to sleep :wasclose:
    Thank you very much! The same goes for you! Best of luck!
    Awww, you're the first person who say that. I never thought the forum would feel empty without me and the fact that you say that makes me feel very happy :fullblush: Makes me want to hugh you tightly and never let you go. I really missed you, indeed. I was a little worried because you always ask me to do something for you, so I felt a little lonely...
    You're also nice and fun to talk. If I'm not wrong, you were the first person I met on the forum so I'm really glad that you're still being my friend. You don't need to thanks me; It's an honor to me being able to help you in whatever the case.
    And I really want to thank you for always be a wonderful person that is always willing to help other as well! I really appreciate your efforts for the newbies! :bigeyes:

    I live in South America (I don't know if you want to know the country or the region but if it's the country, I'm from a country called Uruguay)

    Oh, yeah, this is the first time I say where I live. Unbelievable, hehe :wasclose:
    Oh, hi Vish-chan! Nice to read something about you :)
    No no no, I'm fine. I'm just a little busy with homework and I haven't had time to stay here for a long time, so that's why you haven't seen me online since a few days ago.
    I started with classes and that requires me a lot of time which I took out most to be here.
    Don't be worried about me so much hehe and everything's okay. Like always. What about you? :fulfilled:
    Aww don't get stressed ;< you will do well, I'm in my second year of highschool and I have one year left till I get to uni ( we call it High school in here <w> ) which subject did you pick? this reminds me that I have to start studying lol 2lazy4dat jk I will start tomorrow I guess..
    I can't sleep at night too sometimes, dat stress z.z
    Hello Vishwa owo/ how are you ?c:
    Yes, I watched the anime and loved it!!! (Kira´s past was shocking tho T_T his father was a real **** :deadsad: ofc this is no excuse for his behaviour but I somehow like him XD!!) What about you <3? Aww I´m really happy to be friends with you and I hope you find a good university <33! I´m studying economics (second semester) at the moment and I must admit that it´s not easy T_T
    hello i am verry sorry for the late reply ..
    i was busy with exams .. :(
    thanx very muuch
    Hmm...tough decision. I liked Hanako's but at the same time I also liked both Rin and Emi's routes.

    Don't worry, I'll check out the game. It's has such a small file size though. I wonder.
    Hi, Vishwa. ^^

    Too much work and a nasty cold—but what else is new?
    And how about you?
    Yes I checked them too, I thought at least one of them would have a working link though both of them had dead links. I'm glad you enjoyed the game! Feel free to tell me if you have any requests regarding BL+Otome+Otoge games including drama cd's for both yaoi or otome r18 or not. Or CG packs ~ I've seen Ozmafia english translated on steam greenlight and currently there's a preordering option on to the game, I might buy it =)

    And about my country, well I live in Turkey-İstanbul. And for the last couple of years our country is fighting with terrorists, there was a bomb attack in Ankara(capital city) and more than 100people are injured, I'm not sure if the number increased since it happened so recently...I had friends there though thanks to god they're safe, this is happening for the second time in Ankara. And the rest of the country is under attack by terrors...mostly bomb attacks ...I hope these will pass, all I can do is hope. Sorry if I made you worry but that's what's going on in here at the moment...

    I hope everything is going alright in your country :)
    I don't think there's a game that has impacted my life, I think. My first VN was Katawa Shoujo. I haven't really played a lot of VNs. Only recently have I started playing them.
    Thank you for asking sweetie =)
    I'm doing alright or trying to be I guess, some stuff happened recently in my country...
    But everyone around me is okay, well anyways~

    I just saw your quote about the bl game today, sadly I don't have the game...I just posted my comment there for thanking the uplouder ~ But I plan to upload many bl games here soon, I hope that will replace that request =)
    Hi Vishwa :nyanmusu_happy: ! Thank you for the friend request <3 It´s very nice to meet you ! How are youu <3? (love your profile picture! Is it by chance Kosuke Kira of BTOOM?)
    My very first Otoge VN was probably Real Rode and Hakuouki. Imagine at that time I knew squat of Japanese (like nadda) I just relied on the voiced parts to discern what was being said. Cuz I couldn't read but I could get the gist of spoken Japanese (Thanks to years and years of Anime watching). For those that I've wanna read more about or maybe re-read because I really really liked/loved it. Jyuuzaengi, Geten no Hana, La Corda 2 series (I like 3 but it gets tiresome to play).

    There are also a handful of English Otoges/VNs: I'm currently replaying 1931: Scheherazade at the Library of Pergamum (steam ver.) its on sale now~ plus I found a cheat file haha. All the games Sakevisual (backstage pass, Kansei series) make are interesting. There's this group who are creating a horror VN that looks awesome its called The Letter, Cinders is nice too. I can't think of any other else at the moment, but if you also have anything to recommend me feel free~
    Hello and you're welcome! :fulfilled:

    Honestly, all kind of VN's impacted my life in diferent ways. But the ones that greatest impacted my life are those of suspense or those that come and go with the plot :runhappy:
    My first VN was Starry Sky ~ In Spring (With patch in English)
    What about you? :reallyconfused:
    hi ~
    Umm... nope I don't watch movies
    oh? no I don't I am mostly music and writing.
    Nah. it's cool, I am pretty boring tbh. I don't even know why people talk to me to begin with. : /
    I have nothing of value to offer anyone....
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